Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

you know it's funny... we often worry during the training process of "will my little puppy suffer from separation anxiety??" but what I realized today is that I suffer from it more so than my Tobi does(or at least that's how it seems...

I was meeting with my trainer today and we were discussing the sep anx issue... I simply told her that to me I don't think Tobi has any anxiety being away from me because since I've been back to work lately he's been away from me for 5-10hrs at a time and sure he's excited to see me on my return but he suffers no problems while I'm away(or at least that's what I'm told lol)... than I continued to think and I realized that during the time when I'm away from him all I can think about is how I can get things done sooner so I can get back to Tobi quicker...

even tonight, I went out with some friends(haven't done that in a few weeks now lol) and I knew Tobi was safe at home, in his crate sleeping... but after an hour of being out I found myself saying "sorry I gotta get home to Tobi"... and sure enough off I was speeding away so I could get to him... and there he was in his crate sleeping...

is this ok??? I do take him everywhere with me besides work(and tonight but just because it was so late)... does anyone else feel this way either??? just curious :)

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I think we all feel that way, I know that I do.  If I am out of town without Meg I make my husband put her on the phone, it just makes me feel better to know her ears pull forward and she licks the phone.  I am even finding myself a bit depressed that the weather is warming and I won't be able to have her in the car as frequent as I run errands, she will sleep in there all day just to be able to go along.  Maybe it is time I sent my husband on the errands.


They just give a whole new meaning to life, don't they?


Welcome to dog ownership. I would rather be home with my dogs than almost anywhere else.  Four hours seems to be about my limit and then I start getting antsy to get back home because I am worried about them. Of course, they are fine and sleeping on the couch. I think you are as normal as the rest of us and you can take that any way you want to...LOL!

Absolutely normal!  I feel the same way when I am away from Libby!  She just sleeps the entire time I am gone and she is very happy when I come home, but I still feel anxious when I am away!  It's called "loving your Doodle"!

You are very normal. I work from home mostly because I can be with my Rileydoodle, I go into my office 2 times a week and Riley goes with me I go in early am and I'm out of there before anyone else comes in. If Riley can't go I just don't go. I have separation anxiety, Riley is fine. Welcome to doodle parenthood !

You feel the same way I do with my doodles.  Neither one of my doodles have SA, when I leave both just stand there looking a bit sad that I am leaving but I do tell them "Mommy loves you both very much and I will be right back".  They just stand there with a look of "well you better hurry up and get back to us"   They keep each other company and probably sleep the whole time I am at work.  I do come home often to have lunch with them :)

I feel totally guilty when its the weekend and if I do go out to a party or socialize I try to limit the time away from them.  We totally love our doodles and this is all normal in my book !!!!!  :)

Yep, you are perfectly normal. I am like this all the time. When I go away on business I find myself showing total strangers pictures of my 'boys' and probably boring them to hell and looking like some mad-woman lol Oh and when I call home I talk on the phone to them!

Yes. And this is why my son thinks I am start raving mad when I say it's time to go home to feed the dogs. 

Yes, I hate leaving Tara. She does just fine without me-just calmly lays in the window watching for me to return. BUT I can't wait to get back home to  her. And I miss her when she is not in the car with me. I guess it's part of being a Hopeless Doodle Addict!!  Sounds like you are on your way to addiction too!

Well Caleb, I know I feel that way.Always have. But since becoming Doodle owners (had a Golden previously) my DH is starting to feel that way also! Funny, he never was really much of a dog person. He just tolerated them because I love them, but now he is just as crazy (normal) as I am!

haha well i'm glad it's not just me... i was thinking maybe it's because Tobi is my first dog(maybe that's part of it too haha) but hey we can all be crazily normal together :p

that's just it- I think most of us on here are a bit nuts and i am sure of it when it comes to our doodles,  but it's fun to be that way together 

We went on a family vacation and I had already made plans for my Max to stay with family friends.  I still spent 2 weeks trying to find a boarding facility so we could take him with! haha  He was too big for the resort we were staying at.  So yes, I have horrible separation anxiety with my baby. :) Your not alone!



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