Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm contemplating getting a goldendoodle puppy and have been researching this site extensively. What has struck me is the adorable unique names and the more popular names for doodles. I notice a lot of Coopers which is perfect for a little boy. I also see a lot of Belle's and Bella's for little girls.

Share your doodle's name and how you came up with them! I just might find one for my future doodle.

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My oldest son chose the name Phoebe as he is a Greek mythology buff and Phoebe means 'the goddess of the moon and the hunt.' We all agreed it sounded 'very important' and we loved it. Once she arrived, the name truly fit her as she is very regal in the way she sits and carries herself on walks. Other names in contention were Lucy, Lily, Paris and Sophie. Have fun picking your new pup's name!
That's cute...can you believe my Mom wanted to name me Phoebe! :)
Gus just looked like a "Gus" when he was little. Lilly already had her name when we got her and didn't see any reason to chaange it.
Hunter but she is a girl Hunter - not much of a girly name but my husband named her. He was very apprehensive to get a dog for the reason that it devistated him when he had to have his Golden Retriever Molly put to sleep just 3 weeks after his mom had passed away - just a very difficult time overall. So when I finally won him over he let me pick the actual puppy and he wanted to name her - how could I argue that?! He loves to hunt and thought Hunter was cute - it could have been worse because he is also a firearms instructor and avid gun collector and mentioned the names Mossburg, Glock and Target. LOL LOL
Hunter was the best choice! Can you imagine calling a little puppy Mossburg!
Charli (a girl) was named after my Dad. The in Jewish religion, children are named after someone who has passed away. Charli is the only grandchild named after him. He will have GreatChildren named after him. He would have just loved my naming her after him - they both share silliness, smart and have true hearts of gold.
Well Guinness's name is pretty obvious. We're an Irish family and we love Irish beer. We went to the Guinness factory in Ireland and so that name was always in the back of my mind. When we got our puppy, it just seemed appropriate that we name him Guinness. We were fortunate enough to adopt Murphy from the DRC...he came with his name. When we "got the DRC" call and we learned that they had a Dood named was a total "no brainer". He needed to be part of our big Irish family (and he's a perfect fit).
Boomer was named by our daughter after she heard a "Boom" from an airplane passing overhead.
Shayna (Punim) was named by Sharon - it means Pretty Face in yiddish - a term of endearment.
Mariner was actually named by the breeder - her husband was watching WaterWorld when he was born. The interesting part of this is that writer of WaterWorld shares our last name. We didn't change Mariner's name due to his medical issues and didn't want to confuse him.
Luca was named when I was attempting to learn Italian. Luce means light and I decided to call him Luca. Calla was a beautiful white pup and I chose to name her after a flower, namely the Calla Lily.
Glad to know this F. I always assumed Luca was from a plant like Calla was because I know you love gardening.
Ned was named by my husband after a student he had that he really enjoyed - and I thought he was honoring me as N.E.D. are my initials using my maiden name! Ha - joke was on me!
Simon, our old lab mix was named from a character in a book. This is the name our family was able to agree upon - although his whole name was Simon Ruby Webber Haver.....
Gordie, our Springer, is actually Flash Gordon for obvious and active reasons.
Clancy, our rescue doodle, came to us with the name Buck. This name didn't work for us and he didn't answer to it anyway. We had a doodlekisses naming discussion and I got some great suggestions as well as some silly ones that I adored. He was actually Hula for a day (I am keeping this one for the future) before we ended up with Clancy - Graciedoodle Casey' human brother's name. Here is a link to Clancy's naming blog. Maybe some of the suggestions will trigger ideas you would want to use.
Clancy is so much better than Hula, for me at least.
But Hula is fun to say on your tongue and ends in a vowel which is supposed to be good for dog names! Clancy is best for my boy though.



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