Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm contemplating getting a goldendoodle puppy and have been researching this site extensively. What has struck me is the adorable unique names and the more popular names for doodles. I notice a lot of Coopers which is perfect for a little boy. I also see a lot of Belle's and Bella's for little girls.

Share your doodle's name and how you came up with them! I just might find one for my future doodle.

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Alma got her name because she is almond colored and we got her from a breeder named Almond Blossom Doodles. Alma also means "all's good." Other names we considered were Shasta, Jasmine, and Pearl.
This is the best thread. I've really enjoyed reading all the responses. My goldendoodle is Emmett. Emmett I was told means "worker man." At the time I got Emmett my grandson who was just 2 was really into "worker men" Everyone he saw doing a job got the label worker man. Unfortunately Emmett the Doodle is not so much into working as he is sleeping. But some say its the same difference. My Bassweiler is named Boomer. He was rescued and when I looked at him he looked like a black boom box with little bitty legs. Needless to say he takes after the Basset side of his family rather than Rottweiler. Sometimes the names just come after the puppy gets into the house and you see his/her personality, etc. Good Luck and we look forward to learning the name.
I named Murphy after Murphy's Law. (This was 10 months after Katrina and contractors and insurance everything else).
Little did I know, my boys named him Murphy after Conner and Murphy in Boondock Saints,,,and the beer. No wonder they were so agreeable.
I like people names, too. My friend has a poodle named Phil. I'm not sure why, but I laugh just thinking of it.
I LOVE naming pups! The way several of my dogs got their names was by using the names I wanted to name my kids, but my husband vetoed! Yep, if I would have had 4 more kids (and didn't give DH a say in naming) they would have been Gracie, Landon, Isabella & Kennedy! (I should mention I'm a breeder so have more dogs then most.) Our Lizzy was named after her breeder and our friend, Elizabeth. My kids named Rosaleena after a character on the Mario Kart Wii game. Oliver got his name because he seriously looked like an Oliver, and still does. :o) We let our guardian homes name the dogs that live with them...Alice is from the Twilight books and Miley was named by her "dads" softball team of 8-12 year old girls. :o)
It is so exciting waiting for the puppy!!
Charlie was to be named Kuma - means a bear in Japanese. But on the way home from the breeder's house, she was sitting on my daughter's lap, and she bit her finger!! My daughter yelped "Charlie bit me!!!" mocking the then popular youtube video, "Charlie Bit Me" which is about two English brothers - toddler and an infant. Infant brother bites toddler's finger, and he try to be very patient with his infant brother, but yelps " Charlie bit me and it really hurts!!" So from that point on, she became Charlie.
I have always named my pets from J.R.R. Tolkein books. I currently have 2 cats - Merry and Pippin, even though they are girls (yes Pippin was always the adventurous, naughty one).

So when we knew we were getting a female puppy we went through ALL the female names (theres an index in the back of most books). We narrowed it down to the most famous ones - Arwyn, Eowyn, but also considered Alys (a name Ive always loved) and Andrina (a name I have used in the past for gaming, which comes from a series of kids books about a little girl who loves ballet). We narrowed it down to Alys and Andrina. The day she came we used one name, the next day we used the other name. Neither fit, so after about a week we chose Cooper which is my maiden name - we were due to get married 2 months later

Yeah shes a girl, but theres nothing girly or dainty about her. She bounces (literally) with enthusiasm, is extremely energetic, and burps in our faces!!!!! Cooper really suits her!

If we had got an apricot doodle it would have been called Aslan, even if it was female, and thats a name we still plan on having in the future
Years ago, I had a chocolate lab named Biko (after the South African activist , Steven Biko). We were playing with other South African names and thought about Nelson Mandela and so, we decided on Nelson Mandoodle ( a dog for peace ).
We are getting another GD puppy in about a month. We will name him Rufus ( meaning red haired),
Other names we considered were: Female: Nala, Tula, Lotus & Male: Levi, Raffi, Winston
I named my first dog Roxanne because I use to read plays and one of my favorites was "Cyrano de Bergerac". Then came Einstein. I had him for two weeks and still had not decided on a name. Then one day while I was playing with him I noticed a book in the bookcase and knew what his name was. It was a book my son got in middle school when he was writing a report on Einstein - hence the new puppy became Einstein! When I adopted Nietzsche the name the rescue group had given him was Jake, but I felt he needed a name at least as important as Einstein and since I had read a book on Nietzsche his name came to mind. My Nietzsche was a serious looking doodle and the name fit. Camus. Camus came to me as a result of Nietzsche (a long story) and so I chose another philospher's name; Albert Camus, whose profile included the fact that he had been a member of the French resistance. Camus (my Camus) can be very obstinate at times and my son and daughter-in-law recently moved to Paris, so the name seemed perfect.
Oh, what a fun message thread! I named my goldendoodle "Riley" based on the old expression "Living the life of Riley," which as Wikipedia explains "suggests an ideal contented life, possibly living on someone else's money, time or work. Rather than a negative freeloading or golddigging aspect, it instead implies that someone is kept or advantaged."

I thought this perfectly described a pampered dog's life....hence Riley! Have fun in choosing your doodle's name!
I LOVE Riley...we almost named our golden retreiver Riley ;)
We named our boy Casper because we left Halloween night to drive down to VA to pick him up : )



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