Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I get a call 25 min after dropping my dog off from Daycare -that Shiloh had an altercation with another dog and his eye had been punctured, he was bleeding heavily and had been rushed to the emergency hospital. I was driving in heavy traffic freaking out!!
I arrive at the hospital and Dr tells me Shiloh is stable and his eye is ok-that a dog ripped his eyelid apart.
Shiloh's eye is swollen and area is covered in blood, but he is his happy go lucky self wagging away. He did not even squeal when bit-they did not know anything happened until minutes later. The emergency care, surgery, antibiotics, cone, pain meds and aftercare came to $650. The daycare gave me $200.00.
Here is the story of how it happened told to me by daycare-would really appreciate your opinions?
The daycare has big ads that they keep dogs separated by Temperment and Size. Shiloh has gone there 40 times they know he is very active, playful and sometimes obnoxious with toys. But very lovable!
My 60lb Shiloh is put with and is playing with a small English Bull Dog?? I doubt there is anyway the temperment or size could be at all the same...right?? The Dr says I was lucky that a bulldog has a bite diff't than most dogs, and that Shiloh was big and had lots of hair on his face and his eyes are farther back in his head-this saved his eye. Daycare says both dogs were playing with the same large ball and jumping face first over the top of it-then the Bulldog accidentally bit him playing or lost his temper and snapped at Shiloh they do not know which?..but they are pretty sure it was an accident.
I pick my dog up tonight from vet-they said the big thing now is working to keep his eye from getting infected. I just would appreciate your opinion of this situation? or if there is anything else I should be concerned with in caring for Shiloh? I feel they used poor judgement in putting my dog with that breed.
My Shelby was attacked a few weeks ago at playcare unprovoked and the other dog is no longer welcome to participate in the program. So I can relate to the call and what it feels like. Fortunately her wounds 4 puncture wounds were all on her body (back and back legs).
My day care didn't give me any money.... nor did I expect that they would. I also find it interesting that they allow the dogs to play with toys... which can be a trigger for aggression - there are no toys at Shelby's playcare.
I hope that Shiloh heals quickly.... an important factor for me was giving contact with other dogs right away... so I was sure to take her on a walk that night. Fortunately - the attack did not seem to impact Shelby's happy go lucky... I want to say hi to everyone attitude.
Glad the attack wasn't more serious.... any idea the consequences for the other owner?
This is horrible. Our day care does a two hour assessment with a professional before they allow dogs to join and I got a five page read out after Riley's. If that happened here I would not be going back for sure. Shiloh was obviously attacked and to describe this as an accident is to underplay the seriousness of the incident. I also don't understand how they didn't spot what happened. In our Day Care there are four members of staff in with the dogs at all times. I'm sure others here will give you some good advice. I'm hoping that Shiloh is not fearful of other dogs following this experience. You are so lucky he didn't lose an eye.
In my opinion, the daycare is responsible for the vet bills. Yes, dogs play rough and yes, dogs can get accidentally hurt, but this sounds a little more serious to me than just two dogs rough housing. First of all, toys should be a big no no and they were not even supervising well enough to tell you what really happened. I would call and speak to the owner. Hope Shiloh recovers quickly.
Why would the daycare be responsible? If your kid is beat up by another kid while at school, is the school responsible? I don't have kids, so I don't know the answer to that. I guess it would also depend on the terms of the argeement that the daycare has you sign. I take Cubbie and Ollie to daycare every day M-F and had to sign a waiver stating that "i understand that there are risks and benefits associated with group socialization of dogs. I agree that the benefits out weigh the risks and that I accept the risk. I understand that while the socializaiton and play is closely monitored by the staff to prevent injury, the possibility remains that during the course of normal play my dog may receive injuries. I understand and agree that any problems that arise with my dog, behavioral or medical, will be treated as deemed best by the staff in their sole discretion and in what they view as the best interest of my dog and the other dogs in their care. I also understand that I assume full financial responsibility and all liability for any and all expenses involved in regards to the treatment of my dog in case of injury or illness..."
I would think that most established daycares would have similiar rules in place.
I had the feeling daycare was just brushing this off as an accident-they probably don't want to lose two customers. You made a good point about the toys, it was my understanding that a person was always in the room with them supervising. That the playmate as they call them plays with the dogs. They also had this on tape and refused to let me see I know they are full of it. I will not be going back.
I am so sorry to hear about Shilow. I hope she heals quickly from her ordeal. In my opinion I would not let the daycare get away with just giving you $200.00. It seems as though they were awfully quick to give you the $$.
So sorry to hear your news. Sounds like it could have been a lot worse since the bite was so close to his eye. Hope it heals quickly. We drop Alma off at daycare when we go skiing. I'm sure I sign something that limits their liability. Good that they gave you $200. They stand to lose more than 2 customers if you feel suspicious. You could post something on Yelp to alert people.
the fact that they won't let you see the tape doesn't seem right though
That's what I thought as well!
They won't let you see the tape? To me this means that they must know that they are liable. If you wanted to get the rest of what you paid the vet, you could have a lawyer send them a letter. It's probably not worth the expense, but it's something to consider. For me, it's the way they handled the situation, rather than the bite itself, that would make me not want to take my dog back there. I hope Shiloh heals soon!
Cathy, I'm sorry to hear this happened that must have been frightening. I hope Shiloh recovers well with no lasting effects.I don't think it is unreasonable to expect the daycare to keep your dog safe and like you I think they have something to hide if they won't let you see the video. I also think they should be responsible for the total vet bill since the incident happened while Shiloh was in their care. Do they carry any insurance for these kind of things?
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