Suzann you must have gotten more snow than we did yesterday. We only had flurries that melted as soon as they hit the ground, no snowstaches in SE Michigan yet!
This is Tara and I see the mean things you are saying bout my BANDY BEAR!! And I KNOW why too!! It's cause you are JEALOUS of his beautiful, shiny, silky black HAIR!! Yeah, that's IT!! JEALOUS!! :( You should be SHAMED!!!
Where's Gracie Doodle??? She won't allow this kinda TALK about Bandy!!! Oh Gracie Girl....Where are youuuuuuu???
TARA!! you be nice to ms. nancie!!! she was just joking;) Bandy appreciates you stickin' up for him... it's my fault he looks like he has curled bangs!!
Nancie, we know you can "make it snow" in So. CA... we want to see Graciedoodle with a snowstache!!