Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Apparently something is going on with Millie. She didn't want to go outside this morning, and she threw up in her crate. This is the first time she's ever thrown up that I've known about. Now, she's refusing to eat too. Do I call the vet right away, or give her some time? Any suggestions or ideas?
And FWIW, I'm pretty sure she didn't eat anything she shouldn't have last night.
Watch her all day and see if she poops. If she doesn't poop for way longer than normal it could be a blockage. I am not assuming this is what it is, it's just really the only thing I have experience with. It could just be an upset tummy from something she ate.
My puppy actually threw up this morning for the first time. It was a few little yellow watery spots. She is acting like her usual self and pooped so I think she's okay.
Thank you all. She's definitely not herself. I had her in her crate (which I very seldom put her in during the day, and the boys were petting her. My 6 year old went to pet her ear and she barked and snapped at him. :( He said it hurt, but she didn't leave one mark. Either way, that also scares me to death. She's food aggressive which we're working on, but hasn't showing aggressive tendencies like this. Three of my kids were at the end of her crate, so it must have made her nervous and w/ her not feeling well is why she maybe did it?? I thought maybe she had an ear infection, but she's letting me pet and pull on her ears just fine.
We'll see what the day brings. I so hope she comes around. :(
Yes, I agree that she was defending her "territory" (the crate) because she didn't feel well and that is her safe place--when a dog is in her crate, it is best not to reach in and pet her--the kids should know that from now on--many dogs feel that they are in their "den" and should not be bothered--especially if they is not feeling well.
But, also, when she recovers, work hard on that food aggression thing because it can generalize and she could end up snapping at the kids for other things--
I would take her to the vet.
Thank you Ginny, that is exactly what i was thinking of when she was in her crate. I know she doesn't mind if we open the door and pet her. She just rolled on her back to ask for her belly to be rubbed by me, but probably with three kids at the door and not feeling well, is what pushed her.
I am working on the food aggression with every meal. The kids have been feeding her mostly her meals. They hold the dish and she eats out of it. They pull it away and put treats in. It's been working, but it still makes me nervous. Yesterday while she was eating, I pet her head (as I always do once or twice while eating), and she growled at me..GRR.. Typically with me, she doesn't growl. So, I know we are far from good with the food aggression, but hopefully within time it will be a memory!
I agree that vomiting once is not a big deal, and if she's nauseated, that would account for her not wanting to eat. But that coupled with not wanting to go outside and with her not being herself would worry me.
Was the vomitus just bile, or was there food in it?
Is she holding her body stiffly, or hunching over at all?
She's resting now, and just laying on her side. She was sitting up too, so no hunching. She threw-up this morning before she came out of the kennel. It was dark, and (warning, TMI), She must have ate it cuz when I turned the lights on a few minutes later, there was nothing there. I then opened the crate and was going to let her out. She came out, and laid down, and didn't come to the door to go outside. I walked her to the door a few minutes later, and tied her out, and came back in the house (morning routine). She was probably out for about 20 minutes. When she came back in a bit later, she was like dry-heaving and threw-up in her kennel. It was a very small amount of what looked like bile, and some grass in there. So, she must have ate a bit of grass when she was tied out.
She may not have eaten it the first time around. It may have been the same thing, retching and trying to bring something up. She clearly feels like there is something that needs to come up and she's trying to bring it up, but her efforts are pretty much unproductive. To me, that's worrisome.
Darcy, I personally would bring her to the vet.
If she's not acting normal with your kids, I would probably call the vet. I'm sure she's just not feeling well, but why take a chance?
It doesn't sound like her food came up, and they do eat grass when their tummies are upset to make themselves throw up, I am just concerned at her reaction to your kids.
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