Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm new and my 9 year old golden doodle was just diagnosed with IMT and the vet is giving us no hope. My heart is broken.

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Is there any without all the side effects that you can suggest

There are no immunosuppressant drugs without any side effects; by the very nature of a drug that suppresses the immune system, there are going to be side effects with any of them, just different side effects, some milder, some worse, depending on the individual dog and the condition. With most chronic diseases, it takes some experimenting to find which drugs in which doses work best for that particular patient. And only a vet who has a lot of experience with this particular disease could know which ones might be best for Misty. 

Hear, hear!  If a human had a similar disease, they'd be going to a hematologist.

I don't know of any medication that has zero side effects.  People can die if they ingest too much water.   You also need to look at the incidence of the adverse effect (which can be very hard to estimate).  It is rare for a medication to have a 100% incidence of an adverse effect.  Its all a question of risk vs benefit, which is why Karen's sage advice is to see a vet with a lot of experience with this particular disease.

I feel horrible and at this moment I don't have the funds for a speciist

She was such a pretty lite girl

Patti - you might try training pants made for kids and cut hole in back for tail.  I did that for a while with my standard poodle.  I also bought a flannel sheet that is made for changing baby diapers.  I put it under the cover on his bed and that way it kept the inside of the bed dry and I could then wash the cover daily.  I think it is quite upsetting for them.  Hugs to you and your family - it is a difficult time. Hang in there. 

I'm so sorry to hear this, and I can imagine how heartbroken you must be.  Sending hugs and prayers and hoping  that the medications will begin to help.

I am very sorry to hear about your doodle. I hope she responds to treatment.

Sorry to hear about your girl. I hope she responds well to treatment.

I am so sorry to hear about your doodle's illness and coming at such a difficult time in your life.  If you are anywhere near a vet school, they may be able to help you very inexpensively.  Tears for you and your doodle.

I woke up today to find misty sleeping in the bathroom,she has never done that in her life. 

I hope she is stabilized and feeling better soon. 



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