Everyone knows that Adiana does a great job on this web site.. the slide shows are great and some are so funny that you cannot help but laugh out loud....Adiana I just thought we could all give some ideas of what the slide shows could be....(a little help for you, I hope you don't mind) I loved the "chores" and "naughty" was the best, I still watch that over again. From reading some blogs and I know the owns were not happy but we all have been there at one time how about "bad hair cut"..If Adaina does not mind any other suggestions???? These slide shows and these dogs just have so much personality that you have to smile and feel the stress relief from watching them..I am sure everyone would agee.
snow days
lazy days
favorite foods or treats
favorite spots (where they tend to rest the most)
doodles watching tv
doodles dancing
gardening doodles (seems to be a lot of doodles pretty crafty at digging holes)
sun bathing doodles (ok that can't really happen yet in most areas like Ohio)
doodles in cars
computer surfing doodles
doodles in the mirror
doodles and their dog pals
doodles and their cat pals (can't leave anyone out)
bathing doodles
jumping doodles
Sorry if any of these are repeats of past slide shows, I just got on a roll. I am sure everyone has lots of suggestions~