Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was peacefully picking up poop in the yard when a pair of people showed up. The postman and the UPS man together. I was predicting the mosquito dunks would appear but I was praying that the pesty pretty shirt would be lost in the mail along sometime soon.

Little did I know it was accompanied by ample accoutrements. There was the shirt, a package of markers and a photo book, as well as a book for comments. The dogs somehow found the package interesting. Whiffs of Banjo?

At any rate I was planning to do some reports I have procrastinated on. Which was worse more important? Posting this or the reports. Here is my answer. Sadly, my alter egos, the makeup artist and hairdresser were absent today. Also calling in absent were the professional photographer and lighting assistant. But I did want to get rid of  promptly finish this post. After all, I have lots of nonsense many important things to do like June's Photography Group Assignment to post.

Fortunately my cameras have self timers. The last time I used one was when I had a rash and I wanted to show it to a dermatologist I know, who is not my doctor. Disrobing in front of him was not an option. I have also mastered, well sort of, the simplest editing programs. They are far quicker and less costly, painful and dangerous than plastic surgery. I highly recommend them. So here goes:

As you can see Calla thought the shirt smelled good or maybe it was just me.

Luca wanted you to know he felt it was important so he said, " I do give a s#@$."

I figured you guys would come up with too many coarse captions for the above picture so I nixed it for captions since I am a refined person as you can tell : )

The shirt and it's many mementos.

Here is your next chance to have this mortifying experience. The new photo to be captioned, well it is an old one, but anyway:

May the bravest person win!

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F, You look really glam and mysterious in those shades.Poor Luca, you really got the s*** end of this deal.  I don't have a caption yet, I've been busy trying to beat the wilds that are my garden into submission but I think it's me that is getting beaten.

Thanks : ) I think the jungle always wins garden wise. I was just thinking about perennials that have come and gone. You have to be tough and stand up to a lot of competition around here but mollycoddling is not for me.

Two lumps really are better than one!

Love it.

 Caption: Come on - get your doodle on! Let's do the newest dance craze - The Doodle Romp!


Picture (of you)  is awesome.  You look elegant - even in the ugly much loved shirt.

Didn't see this but I do like it: )

You're rockin' the shirt, F!! Need to think about a caption tomorrow as it's too late for my brain to engage tonight!

Luca: I have to blow off some steam. I can't understand half of what our mother says. She just told me she wanted me to stop being so ebullient.

Calla: She certainly is inclined to use sesquipedalian diction.

Luca: Shut up and wrestle!

Laurie...thank you for expanding my vocabulary today. 

I wonder if I expanded F's vocabulary....LOL!! She probably uses that word every day!

Not daily : ) And the doodles are usually addressed in simple terms like "Lukey Pookie" and "Cut It Out".

I have been waiting all day for your comment. I was very proud of myself and my friend, Google :)



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