Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm thinking about getting another doodle, not till next year when I get my nerve up. The IMT really put a scare in me, I can't go thru that again. Misty was a gift but purchased in pet store and I never knew about blood lines and all the diseases. I would have to look into breeders in NY and I would want a different coloring, I can't do the same as Misty. Where would I go in NY


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Hi Patti,

The DK guidelines on What to Look for in a Breeder would be the best place to start as you consider bringing another doodle into your life. These are really the minimum standards you should require of any breeder you consider. 

Depending on what type of doodle you want, there are also professional associations for breeders who meet high standards. For example, the Goldendoodle Assn of America (GANA) lists breeders who adhere to the qualifications for responsible breeding, such as genetic health testing of the breeding dogs:

I hope this helps. 

Patti -- I'm so sorry to hear about your girl.  She was beautiful and I know the pain of missing them all too well.  Getting another dog is different for everyone.  I know that we weren't sure what we would do.  We lost our Sophie to Cancer.  During the process we learned about the % of Goldens that die from cancer and how high it was.  I wasn't sure I wanted to do that again.  However, after doing lots of research I realized that there is a risk regardless of the breed.  Maybe not cancer, but seemed there were always other illnesses.   I just loved the GoldenDoodle personality so much that I couldn't imagine going in any other direction.  Then the question of when.  I think the right dog finds its way to you.  That is what happened with us anyway.  One thing that we did though and I wanted to suggest to you, is we took in a foster from the DRC.  She was a 10 month old puppy that had two bad knees and was going to need surgery.  So they needed somewhere for her to stay after the surgery an while she rehabbed.   For me, I felt like I couldn't help my girl, but I could help this puppy and in the end, she helped us just as much as we helped her.   Our new little AnnaBelle found us also while we were fostering Honey, so we had a full house for awhile.  It was good for us and good for our Lucy as well.  Just something to think about ... you might find it heeling as well.

What a wonderful idea, Sheri. 

Losing a dog is so very hard, whether to disease or old age.  Please remember that although Misty took a piece of your heart with her, she left you a piece of her heart in its place.  Listen to your heart and you will know when it is time to get a new dog. 

Do not blame yourself.  Roo and Tigger came from the same incredible breeder and are full brothers,  Roo has had Addison's Disease since he was 18 months old and now at nine years old he has had congestive heart failure for more than six months.   As my vet said Roo is such an awesome dog and has had such bad luck healthwise.  I know I don't have much longer with him and cry silently a little everyday.  Roo, however, maintains his wonderful personality, but sleeps a lot more and takes his exercise in small doses.

Follow Karen's advice on finding a NY breeder and listen to your heart

My heart misses Misty everyday. I cry everyday and I am depressed even though the kitties try and cheer me up. I will know when the time is right. I don't feel whole anymore and I have had my share of pet heartbreak but this is so different. Misty was my kindred soul. I know there are no guarantees in life.

Hi Patti.  Thank you for the friend request.  My heart goes out to you.  I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet girl, Misty.  Sending hugs and prayers that you will be able to open your heart to a new doodle soul soon.  Sometimes that is the best way to honor the love you shared.  



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