Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Theo had his neutering done today and poor Baby Bear isn't handling it well at all! My pet sitter is also the vet tech so she was the one that handled all the surgery stuff and the anesthesia. She said he did really well in surgery and she kept the anesthesia very light so when they were done and taking the tubes out he was already waking up. I went to visit him at lunch to find his face bright silver. They spray him underneath to see if he is licking-he was :(. so I came back at 2:30 to pick him up and she said he was good to go and seemed to have quit the licking.

When we got home though he became obsessed with it to the point where it began bleeding! So off we went back to the vet to get more glue put on to hold the incision together and a Cone of Shame :(

Well-the only cone they had would have fit a St. Bernard, so they found this BiteNot collar that he came back home with. He just isn't a happy boy :(

I gave him a tiny bit of Benadryl-they said it was okay, to help him relax and rest and it seems to have taken effect, or he is just exhausted. 

Nothing is ever easy...

We went to the vet today. There are four vets in my vets office, the owner Scott, another new vet, very young and inept, imo, a female my age who I adore but who works at a second location much farther away and Dr. Kleman who normally handles large animals and the surgeries. Dr. Kleman is very, very loud and rushed and not friendly. She scares Hattie half to death. So she was the only vet in today and since she did the surgery it was ok with me if she saw Theo. it would okay with me if Ronald McDonald saw him really!
First she sent two students in to take Theo's temp and after three tries and him groaning I sent them out and said I wanted the doctor. She blew in the room and was obviously very angry. Theo was excited being there and was definitely perkier. She said he looks fine to me! She pressed on the incision and he didn't cry. She said there's nothing else I can do for him, it's his fault he licked it open to begin with. He did it to himself. At that point my tears boiled up. I said Look, help me out. I know you think I am over reacting here but I am telling you this dog is in pain. He cries when he pees and wouldn't even come out of his crate on my lunch break. He won't eat much and is trying to hide everywhere and panting. She said well we can do blood work and urine. I said do it!!! Geeesh, that's why I was there! All was negative so I said I still wanted to talk to her. So she sent the vet tech in to explain everything to me. I said no, you send her in here or I will be talking to Scott. I don't appreciate being yelled at by anyone and being given the vet tech, even though that is my pet sitter. So annnnyyywaaaay...she ended up giving me tramodyl for his pain. We gave him one and I left him there for two more hours while I ran to finish my last class and buy a cone of shame since he had learned his way around the "NoBite" collar. When I came back at 5 pm he was much, much perkier. Got him home and he has peed twice with no crying! She said the swelling internally was causing the pain. While she was drawing blood she also re glued the incision and sprayed more silver stuff on it which helps with infection I think.
So this was $235 today, plus $183 for neuter and microchip and $11.50 for meds yesterday. It all equals up to the most expensive neuter on the books probably, but I don't even care as long as Theo begins healing.
I want to thank you all for your help and concern. I cannot tell you what DK means to me and how much it helps when you are alone and worried. DK is made up of people who know their stuff about Doodles and lend their support. Thank you. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing during the next 7-10 days of cone attire!

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OMD. What a wonderful big sister! Please give Hattie and Theo extra loves from us. I wish we could give you a great big hug, too, Sandy. What a nightmare! I am so proud of you for standing up to that uncaring, arrogant, bombastic vet! You were advocating well for your sweet boy. 

OMD, that is so sweet! Nurse Hattie is doing a great job.

I'm glad to hear that Theo is feeling better and by extension hopefully you are feeling better too. I am of the firm belief that if these visits are brought on by the neuter there should be no charge. That vet sounds like a real piece of work and I'm glad you didn't take any bs from her. What kind of vet in the name of god blames a puppy for his misery, he not human and it sure doesn't sound like she speaks dog. If the pain is caused by internal swelling how is that Theo's fault? Quincy was in a cone when I picked him up from his neuter surgery because he had been trying to lick. I believe they were somewhat remiss in not having him in a cone or at the very least asking you to provide one on the day of surgery. Geez, I am so pissed with that vet and I wasn't even there.

So with you Donna!  No excuse for their reaction!

Sandy, Fudge had a ton of trouble when she was spayed. I know what you are going through, because seriously, it seemed to go on for a month and I was sure it would never get better. It will. Theo will get through this and you did the right thing. I truly believe sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease and you were right to squeak loudly on Theo's behalf. I bet today is the beginning of him feeling better.

He would be a lucky man to be your husband!  You are a good doodle Mommy to speak out for Theo as you did.  WTG!


How dare she be so rude. She is working for you. So glad you stood your ground with her. Sometimes animal people are not very skilled interacting with humans, but she apparently is not even sympathetic towards animals. Those students are hopeless too because even I can take a dog's temp. I tell ya I am hopping mad on your behalf. When Gavin was neutered he was given a cone to wear home, this was after they kept him overnight as a precaution and the tech called the day after to check on us. I would write a letter to the owner if it was me. I am glad that Theo is on the mend now. Hugs to you both. Try and get to bed early tonight. You must be exhausted!

Gosh, I am way behind on the Theo update

Good grief, what a heartless (insert term for female dog here) I'm glad you let her know who knows best !

Glad that Theo is finally feeling better. Hugs to all of you ♥



So glad he got some relief and things are looking up. I agree with everything that has been said regarding the vet, so no reason to repeat. But once the dust has settled on all this, a very descriptive letter to Scott is in order. Along with mentioning you will be posting a review on their website, if that is available to you. You can certainly use a lot of what you explained to us in your letter. Again I would like to suggest an ice pack. It will help with internal swelling. Hope you both have a great night.
Oh, sorry he didn't like it. Must really be sensitive. Yes, June is soon enough.
Oh sandy, I am so sorry to hear the troubles you and Theo are going through. I would talk to Scott anyway. No need to treat you and Theo badly at all. I hope all seems better in the AM.

Awwww, he still looks a little sad, but better then the first picture!



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