Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was wondering if anyone one else has a dog that plays soccer? It's hilarious, Daffney will play soccer only if something is in her mouth (rawhide, bone, other ball, etc..). Let me describe it, Daffney will have something in her mouth then find one of her balls and just kick it around the is EXTREMELY adorable! So my mom and I have been wondering if any other dogs do this..

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Not mine, but sounds hilarious. You should get a video of it!
Tucker does not- he brings the ball to me to play and I swear he will have me thrrow the ball to him for hours if I would let him. Loves playing ball!
No, but my lilly plays soft ball in the outfield. She gets the ball when my grandaughter hits it out to her and lilly brings it to me( the pitcher). Then I tell her to go back and we do it again. At least our dogs are into sports and not couch potatoes!! lol
Harlow plays soccer with DD. Here is a pic of her just after she stopped the ball.

Sage rolls her ball to us with her nose. We roll it back to her and she rolls it back with her nose again. This can go on for a long time. Sometimes she wants us to kick the ball along the floor and she goes after it. But the nose rolling is the cutest I've ever seen!
Astro loves to play soccer. He can catch a ball in mid flight. We usually play with two balls at a time. He would make a great goal tender for Team USA.
Yankee loves soccer. he much prefers if you kick (not throw) any ball to him.
Spud is a GREAT DEFENDER! Both my sons played soccer all the way through High School. Now they wish Spud would have been here sooner.

There is no way they can get the ball from him or passed him. They think he should serve on a real high school team for practice.

He doesn't have anything in his mouth though. Cute
Wilson loves to play soccer too He goes outside finds his soccer ball looks at me looks at the soccer ball I kick it he gets it then he has been trying to kick it back too It is very hilarious



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