Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Barrington IL
  • United States
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Trowby's Friends

  • Doreen Potter
  • Tenley Horner
  • Helenanne & Darby
  • J Hendricks
  • Sandy Aicher and Bailey
  • Laura & Chewie
  • Dan, Judi, & Timbow
  • Sally
  • Gina and Finn
  • Wendy
  • Jane, Guinness and Murphy
  • HrseMom
  • Ladd Hill Labradoodles
  • Melissa
  • Lake Girl, Lizette

Trowby's Discussions

Fired the groomer yesterday

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lonnie & Libby Lu Jun 13, 2013. 27 Replies

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Tammie joined Trowby's group

Apricot and Red Doodles

Our redheads are smart and sassy. Share your thoughts and experiences on red and Apricot doodles
Jul 20, 2019
Sruti joined Trowby's group

Apricot and Red Doodles

Our redheads are smart and sassy. Share your thoughts and experiences on red and Apricot doodles
Jul 2, 2019
Profile IconMaya and Sarah joined Trowby's group

Apricot and Red Doodles

Our redheads are smart and sassy. Share your thoughts and experiences on red and Apricot doodles
May 28, 2019
Greta and Ambi (doodle) commented on Trowby's group Apricot and Red Doodles
"Thans. If anyone had a similar puppy - I have an open discussion at my profile site."
May 27, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie commented on Trowby's group Apricot and Red Doodles
"He’s really pretty. "
May 26, 2019
Greta and Ambi (doodle) commented on Trowby's group Apricot and Red Doodles
"HI! I'm new on Doodle Kisses. I have a friendly male puppy Goldendoodle F1B, born on November 3, 2018, apricot coat."
May 26, 2019
Greta and Ambi (doodle) joined Trowby's group

Apricot and Red Doodles

Our redheads are smart and sassy. Share your thoughts and experiences on red and Apricot doodles
May 25, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
We live in Lake Barrington IL (Husband Dan and adult daughter Kelly).. I am retired and work with several not for profits in the area as well as being in a garden club and book club. I had dogs many years ago ( a Corgi named Thumper and a Keeshond named Winkje). I had to give the dogs away when we moved to a small apartment. Several years later I saw Thumper and he knew me! That was great.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have an Australian Labradoodle from Noblevestaldoodles in Noblesville Indiana. Her name is Sage and she is ALF4 and an apricot mini with curly fleece fur. Sage is now about 15 inches tall and 18 pounds.
We also have a sealpoint Birman cat named Jiminy who is not so sure about Sage.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Mainly for their temperament and their intelligence.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Play soccer with Sage. If you roll a ball to her, she will send it back with her nose. That goes on for hours if you are willing to play.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Oakview Kennel - Groomer
Favorite Doodle Products?
Show Sheen - a horse product that our groomer uses as a leave in conditioner
Relationship Status:

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Comment Wall (40 comments)

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At 5:53pm on January 23, 2011, DANIELLE DARLING said…
looking at your doodle is like looking at pictures of mine! love it
At 1:54pm on December 26, 2010, Lauria Orr said…
Sage is so cute!!!!  Thank you for the input on food. Is "missing link" a vitamin? Does it have the calcium and probiotics in it?  We had Beagles until last spring, when we lost them both.  They were almost 15 years old.  They ate everything in sight!  This is so unusual an experience for me...having such a picky eater!  So, you make a burger out of swweet potatos and hamburger?  Ground chicken?  Turkey?  Finding my way here!  Thank you for your input.
At 3:03pm on July 27, 2010, Noble Vestal Labradoodles said…
You need pictures of Tivi on here!
At 6:31pm on July 6, 2010, Lynda Kamrath said…
Welcome to the Multiple Doodles group. DO you have two doodles or are you thinking of getting a second doodle. How old is Sage?
At 6:33pm on January 24, 2010, Dan, Judi, & Timbow said…
Hi Trowby!! I give them in the house, but make Timbow eat them on a towel. He loves them! You could give them outside if you want. :)
At 3:47pm on January 7, 2010, Carole (*Koda*Monty*Bindi) said…
Thank you for your kind words upon Keegan's passing. They were much appreciated.

At 1:09pm on October 3, 2009, Laura & Chewie said…
Hello! Thanks for the friend request. Sage is adorable...looks so much like my Chewie. How old is he (or is he a she)?
At 6:39pm on September 28, 2009, Helenanne & Darby said…
I think the profile picture of Sage is just the cutest thing!
At 9:07am on September 12, 2009, Megan said…
Hi!! I saw a discussion from 2008 about Trowby being on Merricks Before Grain food and wondering if you are still on that food and how its working out. Brooksy was originally on Pinnacle Trout and Sweet Potato food but his bowl movements were never really solid. His vet switched him to Science Diet Sensitive Stomach which has worked on the poop side, but I think he's allergic to the grains (and I think its overall not a great food) his eyes have been runny and he had his first ear yeast infection..I'm trying to switch his food but want to do it you still like that Before Grain product? Thanks in advance for your help..=)
At 6:04pm on August 2, 2009, Mary Walker said…
Tell you what, email me at and I would be glad to give you an update.


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