Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Sophie took my one year old grandsons sock off his foot and before I could grab her she swallowed it. I called my Vet and he happened to answer Thank God. He asked if she was on can food which she isn't so he told me to give her greasy food. The only thing I had was Heinz gravy. He told me she could throw it up or pass it through. I was so upset that I forgot to ask him how long it would take to pass and what to watch for as far as her being ok. I have heard of dogs eating things but this is a first for me. Has anyone experienced this that can tell me what to look for..:'( thanks, Denise
Update... This morning Sophie threw up Levi's sock and 5 minutes later threw up one of mine....!!!!!
I never saw her with my sock. Yesterday my granddaughter dropped a plastic gift card and of course Sophie grabbed it and ran to her toy box. We did find it at the bottom of her toy box. I want to thank all of you for your advice and stories. I am afraid this is just the beginning of her eating frenzy! Denise
I know you're looking for serious help, but I can't resist: What to look for? Either a barf covered sock or a poop covered sock!
Denise... how much does Sophie weigh? My girlfriend had a lab that was 95 lbs and he at one of her knee socks and pooped it out with no problem the next day !!! On the average it takes about 6 hrs. for food to pass, that is what it says on the back of my dog food bag.
Yes, someone recently had a dog who ate a sock and they ended up vomitting it up. Not sure how long.
My younger dog ate a big knot end of those chew ropes and swallowed as I dove for it. It took 4 days and lots of worry but she did throw it all up. A baby sock is better than an adult sock.
Keep us posted.... I would watch her very close though for any discomfort signs.
I have discovered that Monty has ate underwear.... yep mine, the whole thing. take a few days till it all comes out. One time I discovered serveral days later that I was missing a bra, an underwire at that! And no, I'm not one to toss clothes around the darn dog removed it from a clean basket of clothes!! He will probably pass it, I think if he doesnt act like something is wrong, its coming thru.
he sure did, not even sure where the underwire went!! Once I had my best gf keep Monty for a week during vacation. I asked her "did Monty do anything bad during the week?" She said absolutely not, he was fabulous. About the second day of us coming home he was pooping out some kind of material that I had NEVER seen before.!!! I immediately called my gf and quizzed her about a particular pattern that may have been her underwear. She went nuts and couldn't imagine how I knew that Monty was a bad boy. LMAO. She said "I threw them away when he found them" Well obviously Monty found them again in the trash can she thougth safe. Needless to say she was very embarrassed! LOL
Many times with ZZack until he reached two. We used hydrogen peroxide and squirted it down his throat with a turkey baster. It will come up within 5 minutes just make sure he is outside. He will vomit several times,
Yep. Been there, done that with the lab a few times (chicken wings and I don't remember what else) and the toy poodle once when I dropped the 50# boxer's medication on the floor and the toy poodle snatched it before I could pick it up.
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