Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Does anyone else out there spend a whole day on Doodlekisses and think of it as a great day??? Or how about look forward all week to Yappy Hour and want to kick yourself because you are just too busy to get to it or remember it on Sat.morning?

I have been sitting here since since about 10:00 am, and it's now 3:30pm and I am as content as can be doing nothing but reading the forum.  I have so few days to just do nothing, or anything I want, and I chose to spend this one day here. And what's even wierder, is that I am starting to feel less and less guilty about it.

My doodles are at my feet and I can rub their bellies, talk to them and actually have them look at me and pay attention, (not everyone does that to me around my house). We are all very content and cozy today. And if I sit here another hour and a half, I'll be right on time for Yappy Hour.

Please tell me I'm not alone and that I must need to get MORE of a life!  That some of you HDA's and HDA's- to-be can do the same thing.....Hello, anyone else out there....????




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It would certainly change the way we all sit around at our computers on friday night wouldn't it??? I'd probably scare people if they could see me by fri night!

Um Yeah! DH said he's going to smash my laptop then I said I'll just go use the desktop and he said I already destroyed that one. I do the same, log on in thr morning and then end up playing beat the clock to get somewhere on time. Right now my DH is snoozing-he put  a movie in and as soon as he started drifting I got the laptop out-if he can snooze I can surf! It's really hard to heep up if you miss a day. I get upset if I can't get on at least twice a day! You're doing just fine!
My Dh will go through periods where he will complain, or have some heavy sighs or just go to bed while I'm on the computer. Other times he doesn't seem to notice. I keep thinking he'd be resolved to it by now, but he must keep thinking I'l "get over DK" someday too. :)
Exactly-he sits across the room narrating what I am typing: "now husband is sitting on the couch with the remote watching all these stupid OLD Netflix movies" I looked up and said it's not about you, it's all about the doodles, nobody cares what you are doing! He harasses me all the time but I just keep typing!!!!
OMD!!! Does he REALLY think it's ALL about HIM???? How funny.
I really do love being here - you guys are the best!  so happy I found this site!!!!
The main 'clock' I check is my phone.  My phone hangs out in our headboard bookshelf.  I don't use an alarm and when I think it might be close to getting up time, I peek at my phone to see the time.  I'm usually awake BEFORE I need to get up so I peak onto DK and see what's new...then if something I really want to read/respond to is there and it's not tooooo early, I'll get up and head to my laptop until I hear Natalie wake up.   I rarely log off unless I'm logging in from a computer that is not mine.

Always wondered how much time you spend on DK as it seems you have to be moderating through out the day for blogs and such constantly.

My phone primarily keeps me updated as well since my computer at the hospital has DK blocked. Don;t feel bad, Youtube and a lot of other sites are blocked if it has no medical or professional significance. Somehow I will have to prove the DK has very real significance in my life and to allow it!

We are here, WE are here.... We are HERE .... WE ARE HERE! LOL GUILTY and Love'in it! My family doesn't even roll their eyes any more like they used to, when they see me on here - they just now accept that this is something I do with my life and that all of you out there are very important to me!
When I look back at the many times I have quoted something I have learned or read on here and shared with my family, I am realizing that they are becoming more accepting now too and some of it has been helpful with the kids dogs as well so I guess that are seeing this as something useful as well as entertaining. One can hope anyway. At least they are rolling their eyes at me as much.
Sue - we have less eye rolling in our house too!  LOL
I have my personal email open all day at work, so I'm always keeping tabs on DK. I don't always get to respond to stuff, but I'm always checking in. I had wrist surgery Friday morning, and still managed to participate in yappy hour for a little while Friday night. Without adult beverages, though.



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