Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Stella has been hacking and coughing for a couple of days now. At first I thought she has something caught in her throat, then I saw F Parker's post on canine influenza and that kind of freaked me out. So I took her to the vet today and she was diagnosed with Bordetella. Even though she has been fully vaccinated does not guarantee she is immune, it just lessens the severity of it. Apparently there is a bit of an outbreak around here and my vet said fall is kind of the season for that. We got her on antibiotics and a cough suppresant and will have to isolate her until she is better. Unfortunately she has been quite social this last week with other dogs, so I've got some phone calls to make...


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Poor baby!  I hope she feels better soon!
So sorry! Hope Stella is feeling better soon!
I wonder if steam helps with Kennel cough like it does with croup?  I hope this is a mild dose which is hopeful since she had her shots.  I do hope this is a short illness, poor Stella.
Yes Nicky, my vet said steam does help. He said to use a humidifier or take her in the bathroom when we shower or take a bath.

It sounded like that from your description.  hope she has a speedy recovery. I didn't mean to scare you but it's good she went to the vet.

Hope she feels better soon!
I sure hope Stella feels better soon!  When Guinness had this it only took a day or two for the meds to kick in.
Hope Stella's feeling better soon, poor girl!
Oh dear.  I thought being vaccinated would keep our doodles from getting this.  Coincidentally, my Zach had that deep cough yesterday.  I do think he was trying to cough something up... he was naughty and chewed up a clay figurine I had, and I think that's probably what it is.  But now I will have to monitor it carefully.  No coughing today so far.  I'm glad Stella has been diagnosed and is on meds.  Question... were they able to diagnose that by just listening with a scope, or did they have to run blood or what?  I won't have access to our vet for a couple of weeks after tomorrow.... :(
Actually PJ, our vet, who I love and trust, instead of doing a 200$ blood test did this thing where he put a little pressure on a certain place of her throat and it made her do that croup kind of cough she had. This was a sign that she had Bordetella. It was quite interesting. Yeah, I would keep an eye on Zach. If he keeps coughing take him in!
How interesting, Jodi.  Thanks for the advice .. I will definitely keep an eye on Zach.  I hope Stella is feeling better.
Poor Stella, I hope it doesn't get too bad. I also hope that it didn't spread to the other dogs.



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