Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

PJ and Zach
  • Female
  • Hawthorne, CA
  • United States
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PJ and Zach's Friends

  • Roni & Roxy
  • DonMarie and Picco
  • Kathy, Atticus, and Kylie
  • Gayle,Sophee & Baylee
  • Cyndi, The Boys & Callie
  • Rose Ann and Amante
  • Laura, Joel, and Simba
  • Jennifer,Chloe & Myla
  • Lisa, Daisy & Dexter
  • Diana Erhart
  • Bonnie and Kona
  • Julie, Boomer, Milo & Casey
  • Christine & Camus
  • Doris, Knox & Flash
  • Martha & Cooper

PJ and Zach's Discussions

Zach's Comics... A Self Serving Effort

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ashley Jan 30, 2015. 21 Replies

I've had a lot of fun making comics out of Zach's pictures. Sometimes I consider stopping, because it's a time consuming hobby. But I realize that it's just a family photo album in a different kind…Continue

How I Made This Week's Doodle Days

Started this discussion. Last reply by Beverly, Zoey & Nygel May 24, 2014. 42 Replies

Zach is so patient.  I had to take a lot of pictures for this week's comic strip, so I…Continue

Do You Need a Doodley Thank You Note?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane, Guinness and Murphy Sep 30, 2011. 14 Replies

I played around with PhotoShop to create a nice thank-you note front page, and came up with these pics.  I use PowerPoint to create a quarter fold card by making the page 8.5 x 11, putting the image…Continue

Tags: thanks


Started this discussion. Last reply by PJ and Zach Sep 29, 2011. 6 Replies

Hi all!!  I joined this forum because I was trying to think of people who may want to support my doodle in a photo contest.  BUT I found that this is a really cool place!  I just love all the pics of…Continue

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PJ and Zach's Page

My good buddy, Zach, delivers us the morning paper.

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Goldendoodle - Zach
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Sooo cute!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Play on the beach.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Comment Wall (49 comments)

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At 4:50pm on December 24, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Giving your book to my granddaughter for Christmas.  I know she will enjoy it.

At 6:12pm on January 23, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Yay!  Hope you can make lunch too.  It is kind of fun to sit and talk with the doggies relaxing.

At 7:57pm on January 22, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Are you going to make the romp on Sunday?  We would love to see you.

At 7:03pm on March 6, 2014, Roni & Roxy said…

We're going to the So Cal Group Doodle Romp on Sunday in Seal Beach (Arbor Dog Park)...why don't you guys bring Z?

At 11:12am on December 21, 2012, Jarka, Monty & Auggie said…

That's great! I would love to meet you and Zach. Perhaps we can get together at a dog park somewhere?

At 11:39am on September 21, 2012, Gayle,Sophee & Baylee said…

hi! I just wanted you to know the pictures you took of your dogs are amazing! I sat here in awe, watched the slideshow twice then had my hubby come watch it! lol Your dogs are beautiful! and you are obviously into photography yes? What great pictures, i am into photography also been awhile since i have used my good camera though. So much going on in my life i just havent had alotta time but i am starting to get back into it. I just wanted you to know how beautiful your dog is <looks alot like Sophee> and to tell you what a great job you did taking the pictures ( ;

At 7:08pm on June 10, 2012, Julie, Boomer, Milo & Casey said…
I booked five nights in Arch Cape. I had talked to the owner last year but then went to CB instead. I had forgotten about her place until I started searching again. We will be there at end of August, leaving on the 28th because the kids start back to school the next day. If you are there, would love to meet up. I'll have both dogs.
At 3:32pm on June 3, 2012, Julie, Boomer, Milo & Casey said…
Forget what my kids want....I want a dog paradise vacation. I found this property and wondered if you recognized it or if you knew the area. My main concern is not wanting an overly crowded beach. Of course summer months are more crowded but would you say this is less commercial than CB? The rental has to be clean...this one looks clean. Here's the link:
At 9:10pm on May 25, 2012, Julie, Boomer, Milo & Casey said…
I just spent the last two hours viewing rental homes. Do you rent your place? We are just 200 miles away. Last year we rented a home and took the two doodles and two kids. There are so many places we'd like to visit but it all came down to "where can we go with the dogs"! I went again last month with one dog and my daughter. I found several rentals right on the water. I have so much fun just playing with the dogs. Are you going back this summer? Oh, one property I viewed showed the homeowners with a doodle in the picture! Wonder if she's on DK.
At 5:14pm on May 23, 2012, Julie, Boomer, Milo & Casey said…
I will check it out. Do you have a favorite place to stay? 7 miles of beach sounds lovely and I really like the coast because my dogs love it. When is your next trip planned?

PJ and Zach's Videos

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PJ and Zach's Blog

Doodle Days Comics

Posted on January 31, 2017 at 3:38pm 33 Comments

For those sweet souls who have followed my Facebook page, I wanted to let you know that I deleted my account there. It became a sad, name-calling place where I found great unhappiness.

I love my hobby of making Doodle Days (I have no money making mechanism), so I will continue to make them even if I don't get to share them with many people. I have had a blog on Word Press for several years that I only updated occasionally, but will put any new content there if you care to see…



Posted on February 10, 2012 at 10:08am 17 Comments

As a relative newbie to reading blogs and forums like DK, I was perplexed by the shorthand being used by the veteran bloggers.  Their pieces are inundated with mysterious abbreviations like OMD. 

So I finally decided to look these up on the website.  What a RELIEF it is to know that OMD doesn't mean On My Deathbed, but rather Oh My Days.  And DH?  Not Daft Hypocrite at all, but Darling Husband.  Now I don't know if I would call my husband darling.  He is great, and…


Doodle Days... A New Hobby

Posted on January 31, 2012 at 12:58pm 16 Comments

I've always loved taking pictures, and then trying to improve them and share them with friends and family.  I also have always loved my pets.  Currently, Zach is our canine family member, and Peeps is our long time feline kid.  And so, after my two human kids grew up and moved away, I began combining my love for pictures and animals.  

Here's a backdrop on me...once my husband and I became empty-nesters back in 2006, I decided to try to find a job.  Now back in the early 80's…



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