Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm so MAD! I was at the dog park this morning, not many other people were there, so it was quite peaceful. Until I was ready to leave and discovered the leashes were not hanging where I had left them. They are totally GONE!!! Can anyone recommend a good site to buy 6' leather leashes? I wasn't planning on spending money for that today. :-(

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That is rotten! What would someone be thinking to do such a thing??? I usually only use their "nice leashes" (Lupine) when we walk. I keep their old ones in the car to get them in and out of daycare, the house etc. Plus whenever I go to the discount stores I look for inexpensive leashes so I keep some extra's on hand BTW, Nancy that is quite a site! I will be browsing tonight.
Wow, the nerve of some people! After you order your nice new leashes, make sure to hit the dollar store for your new Dogpark leashes. I actually found a couple of cute ones when I left our leashes on vacation, and had to wait for my aunt to mail them to us. It never fails, I always manage to forget SOMETHING when we take a trip :(

Karma, Karma, Karma, Wendy!
Thanks for the link. I do usually use my "car" leashes at the dog park, but of course I'd just cleaned out the car and grabbed the nice ones without really thinking. Sigh.
Another good reason to avoid the dog parks. When I took my two for their baths, I left their custom ordered pinch collars in the car. One of them had gone missing last time I boarded the dogs and I had to track it down. The idea of back up dollar store leashes is a good one. Calla's leash needs to be replaced so hers would be no loss. I made Luca's leash and I would be upset to see it go. Calla has one coming to her. I have the materials, I just have to do it. make your leashes? How do you do it? Would love to see a picture of one!
I wanted to braid leather leashes. I had seen gorgeous braided leather leashes and collars on line.As a trial run I made the first of Paracord. It's the cord used for parachutes and it's very strong. Needless to say, often the case with me and crafts, I did one and have not as yet made another. Poor Calla is still waiting for hers. You can see Luca's leash on my page in the miscellaneous Album. Since some changes with Firefox, I can't imbed pictures from my page and the photos are not on this computer now.
That's impressive! I wouldn't even get past looking up the materials online and possibly thinking about doing something like that, maybe someday. . .
My husband's hot air balloon is made from the same material--I think. It is no longer air worthy ( they are inspected each year and may have only so many flying hours)

I bet " Touch Squeeze" would make some great leashes. Hmmmm. Wonder if there is enough material there to quit my job?
I never hook the leashes on the fence. I put them in my pocket or whatever I have with me. I have even tied them around my waist. I guess you can tell that I don't trust others to be honest.
What the heck? That is ridiculous! I don't have any suggestions, but I'm sorry this happened to you!
I was at the 99 Cent store a while back and bought a few leashes there. They were actually not bad looking and well made- at least as nice as the overpriced ones at the pet shop. If you have one near where you live maybe you should take a look.
Thanks! I'll check it out, and the dollar store, too. When our park first opened, I was super careful and always carried my leashes, but over time, and no problems, I got lazy. I think I noticed the couple who took my leashes. They were pretty scruffy, and had two scruffy dogs, and didn't make eye contact when we passed each other on the little trail. Then they left very abruptly. Since there were only about 5 dogs there total, it's pretty suspicious.



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