Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Camus was barking like a crazy dog at anyone or thing on the other side of our fence.  Nothing I did worked.  It got to the point where he lost his outside privileges for the better part of the day, which made both of us sad.  He would even bark at neighbors he knew.  So I bit the bullet and bought a citronella collar.  It is a miracle worker.  I put it on him and of course he went outside and began barking - actually he barked once and then stopped, shook his head, tried again, stopped, and then smart dog that he is he tested it with 2 soft woofs.  He got sprayed again and has not barked since.  Now he comes to me eagerly for the collar so I will open his doggie door so he can go outside.  I cannot say it would work for all dogs, but it has certainly been money well spent on Camus.

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How great! Our last trainer ( She was great) said that dogs do not understand that spray is coming from the collar and wont fear / avoid it. Sounds like this trainer was right...! Camus sees to think  that collar = outside!! Congrats on success!!!

I think you are right - collar=outside, so he is a happy camper.

Yay! I'm so glad this worked for you and Camus! 

Thanks.  It is so nice, but I'll have to find something to replace the exercise I got from constantly jumping up to run ou tand get him when he barked :)


Oh I may try this!

The one I bought is Petsafe Premier GentleSpray.


That's great!  Glad it is working for you and Camus!   Cooper learned to bark the first time we left him at the "Spa" and went on vacation.   He is much better after we learned about Interostop.   It is a little different than the citronella collar, it is a compressed can of pheromone that you spray into the air about a foot away from the dog when they are barking.  The smell is lavender.   Surprising, the little compressed air sound shocked Cooper so much that we only had to do it twice and now all I have to do is show him the canister when he is tempted to bark and I don't want him too.    The thing is, I want him to alert me when it is appropriate, but don't want him to bark at every little thing.   The citronella collar sounds like something I should look into if we ever take him camping though.  I would want him quiet all the time!  Thanks!

I agree with you about allowing barking to alert, but our situation was extreme.  He does not usually bark when inside and if he does I know it is an alert, which is good.

Hooray for you.  We haven't been successful in curbing barking and it is getting worse - now all three dogs bark.

Have you tried the citronella collar?



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