Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey guys, meet Murphy (picture attached)!  Murphy came home to our house last Thursday and has been an amazing pup so far!  He's easily trainable; already knows sit, touch and crate.  However, he has to be the laziest dog we have ever had.  He seems to have a total of 10-20 minutes of play time in him per day, and the rest of the time he just wants to sleep if he's not getting treats while learning!

We live in an extremely hot part of the US, so it could be the heat.  But he doesn't like going on walks, even in the earlier morning and evenings.  We walk and he just sits down and looks at us like we're crazy for doing such a thing. With that said, every now and then he gets short bursts of energy and runs and chases a tennis ball or one of his toys.

The day before we were supposed to get him from the breeder, we got a text that he had some loose stool and she was having him tested for parvo and fecal bacteria, both of which came back negative. His stool has been loose, with two times having a small bit of blood, but after taking a week of metronidazole, and adding pumpkin into his food, his poop finally is a bit more solid.  We had him at the vet yesterday, and he was so calm.  He actually fell asleep on the scale and didn't really care much when the vet gave him his vaccines.  Vet cleared him after reviewing the prior vet paperwork and said he'd make a great therapy dog because of how calm he is.

He grazes on his food, but really doesnt seem to like dry kibble.  If presented with treats, he readily devours them.  Or with wet dog food + his dry kibble with pumpkin.

SOO with all the above said, he's just so....chill.  Most of the time he needs a little encouragement to get going.  Has anyone had a similar experience with a doodle puppy at 10 weeks?  He's @ 20lbs now, and was at 18lbs last Wednesday, so he is gaining weight, too. 

We are preplexed.  He's like a 20lb couch-potato!   

PS - not complaining, if this is his personality, we'll take it! 

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Might have spoken too soon...his personality is coming out a bit more!!



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