Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I admit, I do not brush my doodles teeth everyday. My vet is big on dentals. I've had all 4 doods teeth professionally cleaned by the vet 4 months ago and she's saying they all need dentals again! (They've since gone back for annual checks.). There is no way I'm getting their teeth cleaned again only 4 months later. It's expensive and I worry about too much anesthesia. Do you guys have any chews you recommend to help with this? I can't give them rawhides because they are aggressive chewers and they choke.

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There are all kinds of "dental chews" and sprays that people here have used. Whimzees is one safe brand of dental chew I can recommend. Virbac makes dental sprays that are safe. How much good any of this does, I have no idea. 

I can't imagine doing teeth cleaning even once a year, never mind several times a year. That sounds ridiculous to me. 

JD's vet said that 3x a week is optimal for brushing teeth, and you can concentrate on the outer surfaces only. With all of his other health issues, and the fact that he's 12.5 years old, I don't really worry anymore about JD's teeth. But the brushing and dental chews seemed to be enough when he was younger. I had his teeth cleaned once. 

Karen back when yeti was having diarrhea problems we tried to give him a whimzee. He got sick from it (we think) so we haven't given him one again since. He is getting plaque on his teeth. Do you think it would be okay to try giving him another whimzee?

Not for Yeti. I wouldn't give him dental chews, while they are safe for most dogs, they do all contain grains and aren't usually a good idea for dogs with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues. JD can't have them either. I'd stick with brushing or sprays. 

Every four months sounds crazy to me. I have had Calla's teeth cleaned and may need to so again soon. Luca just m
naturally does not seem to get much plaque even though the doodles diets are identical.

I think a lot of it is genetic. 

Thanks Karen! Your awesome :)


Haley, who is 8.5 years old, had his teeth cleaned several years ago.  Since then I give his Plaque Off sprinkled on his food and brush his teeth 2 -3 times a week with an enzyme tooth paste.  I always ask his vet about his teeth and she looks and says they are fine just a little staining. I'm a little paranoid about his teeth because Cole', rip, had infected teeth so bad that the infection spread to his eyes.  The vet we were going to always muzzled him because he was part chow and never looked in his mouth. I took him to the present vet because of his eyes and she looked in his mouth.  She cleaned his teeth and had to extract several.  This gave Cole', at 14+, a new lease on life.  He was much more energetic and happy for what time he had left.  

Do you mind me asking what kind of enzyme? Yeti is a year and 4 months old and I'm worried he has a crazy amount of plaque.
It is Virbac C.E.T. EnzymatI Toothpaste and comes in chicken and beef flavor.
Thank you so much!



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