Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone! I'm still learning how to navigate around Doodle Kisses, so please forgive me if this is in the wrong spot!

I would love to hear from anyone who has experience with "temperament testing" puppies. The breeder we have chosen for our new puppy does not allow the family to choose their own puppy, but they choose for you based on the looks you specify and the temperament testing scores of the puppy. 

This makes me nervous in a way, but there are other aspects of this process that seem positive to me.

I am super anxious to see if they will choose one of the puppies we have fallen in love with from the litter.

Please share your knowledge and experience with this!


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Assuming you have a good breeder, he/she will know those puppies better than you can know them by going to visit and pick them that way.  You want the breeder's opinion (coupled with testing results) to direct you rather than your feelings because if you have strong desires for a certain personality that is the best way to get it.

Ditto, except I would not want to be told I have NO input on choosing my pup and I probably wouldn't go with that breeder - I am just ornery enough that I want some say in the process because the pup will be MINE for the next 12 - 15 years and not the breeder's.  I think choosing is part of the bonding process, however, I would probably choose the pup the breeder suggested, so.....

Thanks for your input. I really do want to know about the pups personality and make sure we get one who will be a great fit for our family. We do get weekly updated pictures and each week we send an email telling them which puppies are our favorites. We also sent a detailed description of our family life and what we are looking for in terms of personality and looks.

We live in a different state from the breeder, so I won't be able to visit the litter to hand choose a puppy anyway. I like the idea of the temperament testing and the breeder choosing the puppy that best fits each family's lifestyle and desires for their pet.

On the other hand, I am worried that I'm going to get attached to the few puppies I love out of the litter (From photos anyway) and then be disappointed if we don't get the one we want.  I know this could happen if we weren't first on the list with a different breeder anyway.

I just have so much anxiety about this new puppy! I can't wait to find out which girl will be ours and then I especially can't wait to bring her home!!

I really think since you can't visit the pups in person, that you should rely on the breeder's selection for you based on what you want and what their experience and testing tells them.  I am sure it will work out perfectly.

Heather ~ we used a breeder that uses the temperament testing and chooses the family that best fits the puppy.  We were so happy with her choice for us.  When we purchased a second doodle, we went to the same breeder.  I assume you do have the last say, as you do not have to take any puppy she chooses for you.  It might be you have your heart set on a chocolate girl and there are no girls, etc.  We were told before the litter was even born, that if the puppy they chose for us was not what we wanted, we could move our deposit to another litter to be born in the future.  That may be an option for you. I really hope you are thrilled with the puppy they chose for your you and your family!  Looking forward to photos!

Yes! We do have the choice to decline the puppy they choose and move our deposit if we wish. They say their job is not done until we are completely happy with our puppy choice and they will consider all our desires when choosing.
I just hope the two girls I love from this litter will have temperaments that match our family. Furthermore I hope that everyone doesn't love the same two that we do!

We used a breeder on the other side of the country and specified the coat type and possible colours….she picked the pup based on a set of questions she asked us, stuff like temperament, activity level, etc.  I was not liking the idea much at first but then realized she did it to ensure we had the right pup the first time and that it fit our life style and she did not have to worry about people returning pups.  

We ended up with Milo and I could not be happier….he fit right in immediately.  

This is similar to our experience. We saw Tara on line and REALLY wanted her but the breeder said she could not say for certain that we could have her until she was 6+ weeks old and her personality could be tested.  I found this to be really annoying at first.  The waiting was terrible! The breeder asked many questions of us regarding our life style and what we wanted as far as personality and energy level, etc.  In the end we did end up with Tara and we had first pick so I know that it wasn't because she was left over. :)  Anyhow, she is a PERFECT match for us so in the case of our breeder she knew her stuff and it turned out well for us.  When all is said and done it is personality that is so important. It is easy to fall in love with a cute puppy but a good breeder can help you make wise choices and  avoid heartache down the road.

Thanks for the reassurance that this may be a great way to go.

However, how do I know for sure That the breeder is good?
They have beautiful dogs and are on the ALAA, but do have a few complaints.
They have always been quick to answer calls and emails. There are a few things I don't like, and they wouldn't have been my first choice in breeder, but they had a litter that fit our most wanted list, that would be ready to come home at the perfect time, the other breeder we liked more did not.
Hi Heather,
I know the wait is difficult but you want to make the right choice for a decision that will affect you for 12-15 years. I interviewed about 20 breeders over the phone before I found the one I like and met the criteria that the DK list has (although I didn't know about DK at that time). I think if your gut is telling you something is not right you really need to listen to it. While the breeder we have let's us pick our pups, she questions every family on activity level, dog experience and what they are looking for. She wants her pups to find a good match so they stay in their homes forever. Then she makes recommendations. In the last litter that we got pickles from, I was set on a girl from this one mom and dad combination. This was the moms last breeding. She only had 2 females but 5 males. The breeder was keeping one female and I said from day 1 I wanted the other one (I had first pick). I have 2 male doodles and wanted a female. Well as the weeks went on the other female, (the one I would have gotten) became dominate and other traits my breeder knew I didn't really want plus she new my current pack and the personalities and our family life style. She said she would let me choose but she really felt the female was not a good match for us. As we got closer to the selection date, I asked her what her opinion was and she suggested the largest male pup from the litter because he was really even tempered much like our first boy we got from her. So I gave up my female idea and Pickles came home. We have 3 boys but they work very well together. I waited 1 1/2 years for my first doodle from her but the wait was worth it. Good luck. :)

Heather - I sent you a friend request last week as I wanted to share my personal experience about the breeder with you. The complaints you read about them are valid, I have met the breeder in person and have been to her house. I would caution about getting a dog from there.

Sorry, I don't know how to accept the friend request?!



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