Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone! I think it is time that I ask for some advise when it comes to goldendoodle anal glands. I have done so much research that I now have no idea what works and what doesn't. So many websites say different things. If you have had any issues with your doodle and have found a solution that has worked will you please guide me in the right direction?

Thank You!

Melissa & Bear

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I haven't had trouble with my goldendoodle's anal glands but my eldest schnauzer Tavish has a rough time with his. He eats the same food as everyone else but his still get impacted from time to time. When it looks like he is getting a bit swollen, I express his glands myself. What works for us is using the external method of holding his tail vertically to kind of push the anus out a bit. Then I locate the glands at about 4 and 8 o'clock and squeeze each one between my thumb and forefinger. It's a bit like popping a big pimple. You don't want to squeeze too hard, though.

I recommend using a disposable glove because this stuff is potent and smells like rotted fish. Ick! You also want to be sure to have a paper towel or gauze in place to catch it. Sometimes it can squirt in crazy directions and you do not want it on your clothes! I speak from experience...

It's really pretty simple but also a bit off putting. :-)

I have my groomer do it if I notice Ginger scooting her rear end on the ground.

Murphy had lots of problems with his anal glands and actually had to be anesthetized to have them thoroughly flushed and medicated due to infection.  Most of his problems were because at that time his stools were very soft and he wasn't naturally expressing his anal glands.  Now that the stools are firm, the problem has been eliminated.  I always took him to the vet to have them expressed.  That's actually how the infection was discovered.  Groomers IMO aren't qualified to be doing this.

My solution is simple: I take Wally to the vet to have his anal glands expressed every month or so. He tells me when he needs to have this done by scooting on the rugs. I agree with Jane that this is a job for a vet or vet tech, and not one to be handled by the groomer, as the groomer isn't equipped to tell if there is a more serious problem, and the groomer doesn't express the glands internally. This is just my opinion, of course. BTW, changing food and adding fiber did not help.

I read that having them expressed makes it worse. My problem is, is that his stool is to soft so he's not able to express them himself. I Should of mentioned that I was wondering if anyone has found a food that has helped firm up the stools.

You really need to have the expressed or else it's very uncomfortable for the dog, and there's the possibility of infection which is what happened to my Murphy.  Firming up the stools is a whole other issue.  I would search in the Food group for discussions on that subject....I think it's different for every dog.

I will check the food group discussion. Thank you!
Cocoa used to have lots of anal gland problems. I used to have to take her to the vet regularily to have them expressed. I found that it helped when I put her on a grain-free diet and gave her two big meals a day so she had nice, consistent poops. She was a grazer when she ate, and it made her poops too small and irregular. I'm not sure how old your goldendoodle is, but it also got better as Cocoa got older. Good luck- it's a stinky problem!!!
Thank you. I put him on a grain free food but he was allergic to the chicken I'm thinking, so I switched to lamb and rice. I'm hoping it works and he has a firmer stool so that I don't have to take him to the vet to get them expressed anymore. He just turned a year. He was fine as a puppy but as soon as I put him on adult food is when this all started happening. He always leaks in the house in the worse spots like my couch and throw rugs and its. Not easy getting the smell out either! . If I don't get it under control I'm freaking out that my house will smell like rotten fish! Ive never smelt something so bad in my life!
After Cocoa turned one it started gradually getting better. The biggest issue for Cocoa was solving the poop problem- getting the big firm poops (I know, TMI). Iit looks like your guy's a big boy, and my vet told me that larger dogs tend to outgrow the problem. This was the case with Cocoa, and hopefully it will be for your dog too.

Is your dog a good eater? Cocoa was a very light eater and we had to mix stuff into her food so she would eat bigger meals. I'd mix a little leftover chicken with her Orijen and it helped quite a bit. After the meal I put the dish away so she wouldn't graze. Eating regularily really seemed to help.
Haha "TMI" is just what I need!!! I need his poop to be more firm so that's the kind of information I need. He's a good eater so I'm thinking maybe he needs a little more protein added to his food. I hope he out grows it! I'm sure I'll get this solved it's just taking time. Thank you for your advice. I'm trying different things to firm up his stool so any advice on that is very helpful. :)
He needs more fibre to bulk up his poop, not more protein. Adding sweet potato, pumpkin, green beans to his food will all help. There have been several discussions in The Food Group about this problem, pop over there and check them out!!



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