Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last night we took Lucy and Sophie to Bark in the Park at the Cincinnati Reds game.  We got downtown early as to avoid the rush hour traffic and were just walking around a little bit.  I'm not sure how people downtown have dogs, because finding grass for a potty was a challenge.  We finally spotted a small area of grass (ok, I was being nice, it was just weeds).  We crossed a 4 lane down town street and were walking through the weeds to get them to potty.  All of a sudden Sophie's prong collar came undone.  (I have no idea what happened as I checked and rechecked that it was secured when I put it on her).  Anyway, she turned and looked at me and took off.  I can't even come up with any words to explain how I felt at that moment.  I instantly started after her thinking I can't let her get to the street but she was running so I said I have to stop and not chase her.  I stopped and screamed SOPHIE STOP to her.  (Don't know why I thought she would understand STOP, as it isn't anything she was every taught).  She turned around and looked at me, and I heard Mike behind me say Sophie COME ... Our recent training kicked in and I dropped to my knees and started clapping my hands excitedly saying Sophie come, and much to my total and complete amazement, she started at full speed running right to me!    I am so very thankful that we have been working on the COME command for the last couple of months as a result of the training we started in February!  We had never tested it outside of the back yard, but I feel a slight bit better.  I won't stop working on it as it could have gone the other way and I don't even wanna think about what would have happened because we were just on a tiny little piece of a lot between the Ohio River and a 4 lane City street!  It had disaster written all over it.  So, if your doodles do not have a 100% recall, please please start working on it today!  Don't put it off another day as you never know when you will need it.  This is also leading me to more practice to get off of the prong collar and onto a collar I feel more comfortable with, as that is a situation I don't ever want to be in again!


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Oh, I like this solution. It sounds like it  beats buying a special leash like Leerburg sells to back up the prong.

Such a great reminder and I am so happy your situation had a happy ending.  I've recently had to test Shelby's recall and it's getting better and better.   Always something to work on no matter how confident we are with their recall.... it's a good idea to periodically test their skills.   I will sometimes call Shelby from the other side of the dog park to test her recall.  Makes me feel better each and everytime she listens to me!

COME is the best command you can ever teach! I was told that many times ;)
You're the perfect example as to why.
So glad for you every thing COME to a happy ending.
Hope you enjoyed the game.
We have taught Stop. We also use a hook to connect the flat collar to the prong.

I am so glad Sophie is OK. I love my prong collars but they do have drawbacks. Leerburg's Ed Frawley recommends always using a prong collar with a backup collar. There are a number of videos on his site explaining the problem of prong collars opening and why he doesn't sell certain types. He does sell a special leash for the connection to two collars.

Thanks F I saved the link, that's a lot of info to read.

What a scary story with such a wonderful ending! Thank you for posting it. We bought a prong collar that had a quick release element and the thing quickly released itself after owning it less than a week. Right now we are not using a prong but will definitely not buy that brand again. Was yours quick release? Just curious. I agree wholeheartedly with Jane's suggestion about the carabiner to the regular collar because YIKES! Such a scary time. 

No, ours was not the quick release.  I saw them when purchasing, and just something about it made me a little leary.  Happy to know my thoughts were right, although the one I bought was no better.

My prongs are quick release but special order ones. I have never had a problem with the release but Ed Frawley does recommend not using the commercial kind. A back up collar would protect against any prong problem though. My arthritic fingers have a problem with the prongs themselves and my collars have been a blessing to me. Here is a photo:

F, Could you let me know how to get this collar? I am looking for one for Owen because our adorable 2 1/2 year old grandson threw his over a bridge into a creek (including a brand new leash). ;o) The one in this photo looks terrific!

Near the bottom of the page. I got the stainless for mine.

Thank you so much, F. This looks ideal! We had the pinch Sprenger quick release and yes, it quickly released in a difficult moment!

I did just buy caribiners for backup to their regular colalrs though. The clasp on this has never opened though Calla's leash came off because her leash snap bolt isn't the best, and the one ring is very narrow. But with the leash through both rings it's fine.



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