Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi, I'm hoping that some of you can help me with this. We will be bringing home 2 puppies on May 27th. We are driving 680 miles to get them. We will not have them shipped. We will be purchasing a back seat "hammock" style cover for our car to use throughout their lives; however, my husband is concerned that if we use the hammock for this trip, it will be too large of an area for them to be in, and they will probably go to the bathroom on it. He wants to use a crate to avoid this. We have a large crate from our previous dogs that we will be using at home, but it is too large to fit in the car (Subaru Forester), so we'd have to buy a smaller crate for the trip. I don't want them in a crate for such a long drive. I would rather have them be able to romp around in the back seat (the hammock makes it quite safe), stopping every few hours for a potty break. At 8 weeks old, how likely are they to have a bathroom accident in the back seat? Any advice would be appreciated, and thank you!

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Thanks Sue, yes you have helped a lot. From all the advice I've received, we've definitely decided to use a crate (or a box like you said), situated so that we can take them out for lap time. I've also been advised to take lots of paper towels, wipes, etc. in case of car sickness. We will have to feed them since it's such a long drive.

Happy Trails and Congratulations!

They sell inexpensive ($20-30) small pop up crates. I've even found them for sale @ Fred Meyers supermarket.

Hi Michele, Kim from Sandcastle Labradoodles. Definately do the crate. There is a very good chance they will go to the bathroom in the car if left to romp around. They are usually crate trained by that age. Not only will they not mess in there they will feel safer going through this big transition. I would start using the hammock once they are house trained. Just my opinion though. Good luck and have fun.
Hi Michelle, Very likely. Sorry, I agree wi DH. However, I would get 2 small crates - Craigslist cheap. Or divide your big crate so they have small spaces. This is an excellent potty training op. Stop every 1/2 hour to potty wi lots of positive reinforcement when they do. They don't have to be in the crate the whole trip. You can take turns wi them in your lap for awhile. Be prepared for carsickness. I'll post my article on carsickness if requested. PUppy love from Joy & furry folk
If I were you, I would go with the crate. You are almost guaranteed an accident or two! They will most likely sleep most of the time - especially since they will be together. Be careful when you stop for breaks though! Pups are not fully protected from Parvo etc. after only one vaccine. I understand your wanting not to ship them, I felt that way when I first started breeding, but really it has been a very positive experience and is a much shorter trip for the pups (and you!) and I would personally be more concerned about what other dogs had been in areas at the break stops. Just my opinion, but I thought I would share. Good luck with your new additions and congratulations!



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