Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

In order to confuse the public we now have a new dog "Cobbadog", well not a new dog just a new name.  Beverly Manners has decided that her ALD's are now to be called "Cobbadogs".  So as not to confuse things they are being registered by the MDBA foundation (who it seems will register any dog if the fees is paid).

Her inbreeding program has changed the name of the dogs a few times, this just seems to be the latest revision.


I found this out from another forum.


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If you're in Canada, then please contact Karen at Canadoodles.

She is a proven, ethical breeder and hides nothing. I truly believe most every breeder today will NOT buy into this CobbaDoodleDoo carp. Many breeders and people have been taken by BM and or her daughter way too many times. This is why it's important to spread the news.

Since I know a lot of people in the Labradoodle world and am out and about with my girls all the time, I have cards with several URLS and am up front about why NOT to buy from RM. If you have not read this site, please educate yourself

If you go to the archives to July '10, you can read my story and see the pictures I took about the real RM.

Remember, it's about the dogs, always the dogs. Bless them all.

What in the world is a Cobbadog?

This post is comprised of facts, not opinions. Since no one really knows what's in their RM Labradoodles anyway, what does it matter what RM calls them. Sadly she is back in business with her daughter Angela who is now Melodie Wooley. Those two have been back together for quite some time in spite of continuing to say they were estranged. That's the same Angela who willingly dumped 31 ALDs in a high kill shelter in 2007 in Florida of which several died of Parvo. Articles below:

"Owners of Tegan Park send 31 dogs/puppies to Animal Control whose policy is to euthanize dogs after 5 days.
31 multi-gen Australian Labradoodles turned in to Lake County Animal Services near Ocala, FL by a Breeder. These are exceptional puppies and dogs. The shelter stated, "the dogs/puppies can be put down the day they come in, or they can be put up for adoption and kept for a while. They are evaluated when they come in." 

Due to the efforts of many in the Doodle community, all the pups and dogs were adopted saving their lives.

The dogs that had to remain in Animal Control to be spay or neutered were exposed to the PARVO virus and 6 dogs ended up dieing.

What a sad ending for these wonderful dogs. In my opinion, the owners of Tegan Park USA (which is owned by Tegan Park) had many other options to care for these dogs, but they didn't take them. "

Link below from The Orlando Sentinel newspaper:


In the mid 2000, she changed the name to Australian Service Dog, a name which was not received enthusiastically either. $500.00 allowed you to post that logo on your breeder's site. Then it became ALFA. It was predicted that the ALFA (Australian Labradoode Founders Alliance) organization would also fail and now it seems to have. What about all the breeders who trusted her via ALFA? Will they uproot their businesses to change everything? As for CobbaDog, this is not MY definition but anyone who decides to name a 'breed'....a 'car' 'anything', should look up every possible definition of that word. This is again not MY definition but is from the Urban Dictionary.

BTW: It is the word CobbER which means friend...NOT CobbA

I'm going to go hug my two Multigen Australian Labradoodles, one who perhaps has Wheaten, but then who knows.

Remember the saying, "a rose by any other name....'.


Guess what the latest name is?


Scoll down for the answer.





















































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