Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone, I am thinking that my bentley who is 4 needs a playmate.  He has been chewing things lately and I think he is bored at home while we are at work.  Every toy I have bought he has destroyed.  He is quite large, about 90 lbs, and loves to play.  I am trying to convince the hubby that Bentley may need a friend but it's not going well.  any suggestions?  also, I got Bentley from a rescue last year, and it was very hard to get him, I see lots of doods available on pet finder, but the process seems crazy long and the doods I like are always pending or adopted... I know there are many doods who need a home, why is it so hard to get 1?  Should I look for another male or maybe a female?  A girl would be great, I am the only girl in the house,  Bentley, 3 boys and a hubby, I'd love to by pink!!!  any thoughts would be appriciated!

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I would suggest looking at the Multiple Doodles group, there are several discussions about this.  You can also put in an application at


Good Luck!! I have 2 boy and girl and it is the best!!

I in no way mean to be negative, but maybe your husband has a point.  I am a firm believer that you can't solve one dog's problems by introducting another dog.  I would say get the problem with Bentley under control before introducing another dog.  Is Bentley getting enough exercise?  A good walk every morning before you leave him alone for the day?  If you are not trying to solve a problem, but just add to your his life (and your life) than I think it's great that you want to adopt another doodle in need  But really, your husband needs to be on board or resentment will result.  Especially if your new addition need a great deal of patience and training.  G*** luck with your decision.  Please keep us updated.

I think all the others that posted have a very good point. Our Vern can get into major trouble if he is bored. Two walks a day are mandatory for my two doods. Have you considered doggie daycare a couple days a week or maybe the dog park after work? Also, maybe changing up his toys when you leave and hiding a kong here and there might eliminate some of the boredom. There have been many good discussions about toys that are virtually indestructable. I don't know how long you are gone everyday, but maybe a dog walker could come in once a day and give Bentley some exercise. Good luck!

Dogs DO keep each other company and this could be a good idea. However a second dog is twice the work, expense and time. And if both decide to chew on things or make a mess .......  You might also consider doggie day care or extra walks for Bentley and before you even think about another dog, look at Bentley's temperament and personality. Would HE like to share his humans and toys and bed?

Hi Meloney,

Ill tell you based on our experience. Kelsey was our first doodle. She was an excellent dog, and still is. She had the typicl puppy issues with digging, and chewing shoes, but out grew these behaviorsm bythe age of 2. We taught he rbascic omands like sit,stay,down, and when we got our second dog, she was in love. She played with him and showed him wonderful ways to pleas eus, like sitting , and down, and soon he learned these wonderful traits as well.

Its a great idea to get a second dog for your first to play with, but make sure she will be a good teaher for him or her.

The having 2 dogs one male the other female wasnt an issue with them at all.

Hope this helps..Hopefully you have to room outdoors as well as indoors to house 2 dogs..they exercise more when there is another to chase around the yard...


I would echo the great advice already given. 2 doodles is either bliss or bedlum - depending on whether you have the time and energy for a second dog. I would want to get the first dog 'sorted' before adding a second.


With the expense involved with a second dog - you may be better off looking at daycre and dog walker options until you all decide that a second dog is the way to go.


I have descovered that one doodle can fit into many situations - but two doodles means my life now reveloves around them. When I only had one he fitted into MY life instead of the other way around  =)

I might try daycare 1-2 days per week if you have that in your area. I agree with others, it could end up more chaotic bringing another doodle in right now. 


I personally LOVE having two dogs; however, one is a 7-year old chihuahua and my mini dood is approaching 2.  It is very manageable, only because the chi was older and "easy" and we have trained the doodle extensively (and she STILL does daycare at least once per week - there as I write this!).


Good luck!

I got my Sasha in January 2010 and by September of 2010 I got Oliver = best thing i ever done.  Sasha was 9 mo. old when I got Oliver at 9 wks old.  Sasha needed a doggie friend to play with when i was busy around the house and at work.  I crate them while I am at work but the crates are next to each other so they have each other.  Both are spayed and neutered and love each other and I have no problems.  sometimes they get a little crazy in the house running and playing but they are best friends.  I brought Sasha to the breeder with me so she could participate in the process of picking a puppy :)

I have a goldendoodle and an ALD. Connor my goldendoodle was 2 yrs old, had his CGC and was a certified therapy dog when I started looking for a second dog. From the time 4 month old Simon walked through the door, Connor was certain we had brought him a puppy all his own. They love each other dearly.

You have to be willing, though, to spend time separately with each dog. The #2 dog needs to have the opportunity to get to build a good relationship with you as well as  build self-confidence. Dog #2 also needs to go to obedience class by himself. While Connor has taught Simon many good things, if he had not been well-trained first it might've been a different story.



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