Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Update: I've started my own blog about this. If anyone is interested in following it here is the link: 

I've been wanting to start a blog of my own, so now here's my chance. I will be writing about my experiences as I sort through my stuff (both physical and emotional), and what it means to me to chuck it. My first post is up. I hope you enjoy it!




I've been desperately feeling the weight of my clutter lately, and have been searching for ways to freshen up my life.


So, in an effort to change things up I recently bought some new sofas, and threw out my older ones (my beloved Big Red and Little Red). I have a tendancy to get attached to physical belongings and often even name things I get attached to (my new car is named Roxy and I haven't even picked it up yet). Well, finally letting to of Big and Little Red felt good, like a wight had lifted. Looking around my apartment I realize my summer house guest is right, I have TOO MUCH Clutter! It's time to get busy.


I was passing by the local bookshop and felt compelled to stop in yesterday. There on the shelf, staring me down, was a book called "Throw Out Fifty Things" by Gail Blanke. I snapped it up, and read through the introduction and chapter one over a beer yesterady after work. I am fully hooked and inspired. She has a website: where you can download worksheets and report your progress. I might even blog about this. Letting go of the old clutter, both physical and emotional, will open up your life to receive new and exciting things.


The Author's mantra is "If you want to grow, let it go".


So, does anyone want to grow with me? Let's throw stuff out together!

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Oh Oh...  Those are hoarders' words if I ever heard them:  "I can always make room for [fill in the blank]."
lol! we all have our vices. :o)
oh Nancy, I'm sorry to hear that. When my mom moved into to the facility she's in now my dad had so much time on his hands. he's been decluttering like crazy. I think he finds it theraputic.
I'm moving right now and we've been throwing out lots of stuff. It's hard but we haven't used so much of our stuff AT ALL, so clearly we don't need it.
I have started.. A couple of months ago I ordered a 8 tone skip bin and cleaned out the garage... There was still room so I started looking through rooms for STUFF that I hadn't used in a while... Out it went.. Have just started going through my cloths and have some cloths I bought in America when I was there 15 years ago..
We get wound up in the sentimental stuff. Throw clutter out..
There is a site called 'flylady'. Check it out.
wow, an 8 ton skip bin. That's serious business. I'll check out the site, thanks!
I need to clean out some junk and still that I have had in boxes from 4 moves ago!  The bad news is I have plenty of storage room so I don't need the space.  I did sell a bunch of stuff on Craigslist when I moved into my new house, but the stuff I have now is little stuff.  I also donated a lot of stuff when we moved out of our house into an apartment while the house we are in now was being built.  I think, though, that I could stand to clear out some file drawers!  I will take a look at her website...doing something a little at a time sounds good!

4 moves ago lol. that sounds like me. I have a box under my desk of stuff from my old office. I've moved 3 or 4 times since then and the box comes with me and gets shoved under the desk. Well a couple weeks ago I got fed up and threw almost everything in it in the trash. It felt so good. Today when I decided it was time to put up those curtains that have been sitting in the wrapper for a year now, I found wallpaper border in my tool kit that I've had since I was 16 and never used. Why the heck would I use it now? It's not in style and the glue probably won't stick. It's going out!


This feels so good!

Oh yes!  I am  moving so we are definately in throw out mode!!  Only I need to get rid of about 500 things!!

You all are  making me laugh!  My mother is a clinical hoarder.  I did NOT inherit any of the hoarding jeans.  I throw everything out.

But, you may want to donate a lot of these things to organizations such as " THE FOOD BANKS" in your area.   Some Banks are in great need of anything non-perishable.  Shoes, boots, hats, coats.  Kid and baby clothes are in huge need because the parents can not keep up with the child's growth. Dress cloths so those  unemployed can go to interviews... etc.   Good Will and Salvation Army also take these goods and do excellent work with the public welfare situations, however I did not know if you knew, food banks have a high turn over of people who are asking for things they need besides food.  They also don't charge those in need right now for a pair of shoes, a shirt, just the basic nice clothes that will lift the spirits of  many of these families. 

Good Neighbor Organizations  and Food Banks are always in need.  Think of all the extra room your doodles will have to run with all this decluttering!

I've been trying to declutter for years, I keep throwing stuff out but I'm convinced the darn stuff multiplies overnight while I sleep. I have gotten better at stopping from buying stuff I do not need. Every nook and cranny is stuffed and cleaning up is such a chore because there is just nowhere to put stuff. I keep telling myself I need bigger closets, but in reality I just need less stuff.

OK, I just decided that I'm getting rid of 5 things everyday until the clutter is gone.

that's a good idea. take it one room at a time. i think it's addictive. once you start you can't stop!



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