Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I recently hired a dog walker to come to the house and take Cubbie and Ollie on a 30 minute walk twice a week. I was really just looking for someone to come and let them out in the middle of the day while I'm at work, but it was only a few bucks more to have them actually get a walk instead of just a quick trip to potty in the backyard.
The woman I hired is the owner of a dog walking company and has a few employees but she is the one that actually walks C&O. She is licensed with the town and is insured and knows pet CPR. She charges me $22 per day to come and walk them. She invoices me once every 2 weeks so that ends up being $88. Here is my question: the invoice has a line that says "optional gratuity". The last time I paid her, I did not include a tip. I figure that she is the owner of the company so all money that I pay goes to her anyway, but then I started wondering if she would treat C&O any differently if I don't tip her. I really don't think she would, but it was just a thought that crossed my mind.
I sometimes feel like you now have to tip everyone that performs a service so I sometimes get frustrated but I want to do what is right.
I have to leave her a check tomorrow or Thursday so I am looking for advice. Would you tip her and if so, how much? I tried doing a search on this but only came up with tipping groomers and daycares. Thanks for the help!
I don't belive in tipping the owner. The owner sets the price. My hairdresser is the owner (and only one) and I don't tip her. I have always gotten excellent service from her. (Years ago my step mother told me you don't tip the owner.)
I was taught the same and I agree. I do give a nice gift at Christmas.
agree completely!
that is the same thing that my grandma used to tell me so I wasn't going to tip her but then I started wondering if that was old school out-dated advice.
I think it depends. I have a lovely stylist who is an acquaintance from high school. She does a lovely job, and she just simply rents space at a salon, but manages her own clients, sets her own prices, etc. In my opinion, she doesn't charge enough for her services, so I tip her. Partly to help her succeed in her business venture (because she is quite good!), and partly to hint that she should charge more.
One day, if she does start charging what she's worth, I will re-think tipping.
I tip our servers and the ladies who clean rooms in our hotels, but that is about it. We actually do everything else ourselves. My son has worked in food service so we know how much they depend on tips, but I don't think a dog walking service that is charging $22 for a half hour walk is being underpaid. But interesting to see what is costs to have someone come walk your dogs. I'm sure they love to see her coming.
That is how I am. I don't use many services other than my hair and eating at restaurants which is why I was so unsure of how to handle this situation.
I don't think you should have to tip her. It's not like she's getting minimum wage or anything. She sets the price so she can charge what she wants. On the other hand, I suppose if there is a lot of competition she may need to set her rates lower than she'd like so that she can remain competitive... but still. I don't think I would. I never tipped Sophie's former dog walker.
What about the groomer? I have always wondered about that. I pay over $100 to have Winston groomed, and aroun $90 for Sophie. That would equate to a big tip! I usually cheap out and give about $10 for each of them. What does everyone else do?
Wow, that's quite expensive. I pay about 80 for Monty, and I do tip. For once, I'm afraid that they would butcher him the next time around. I just don't want to get on the bad side of my dog's groomer. We have one main groomer that has done a great job and then a few newer ones that she hired. Some of them are not there anymore, and I did not leave as big of a tip if I did not like what they did with Monty. Finally, I've told myself to only make an appointment with the main groomer.
I do not tip at the daycare.
Our groomer charges $50.00 for everything and Libby goes every three weeks. I do tip as I have stated in my other replys and she is the owner. I think she is very reasonable compared to some of these prices I am reading about.
My groomer owns the shop, I don't tip her. I give her a gift card at Christmas time. When I used one of her employees, I tipped her each time JD was groomed, but JD's grooming only costs $40 because there is no haircut involved.
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