Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have searched the site & can’t find anything on this subject, occasionally Gunner will sit & start licking with his tongue in the air. This goes on for 15-20 minutes. Maybe 1-2 times weekly. No consistency as to when he does it. Not after eating so I can’t figure out why he is doing it. He has water available at all times & won’t get a drink, won’t even take an ice cube, which he loves while this is going on. Has anyone else experienced this?


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I can't say as if I have experienced that. Maybe someone else has. To me, it sounds like allergies maybe.
No, I haven't seen this.

Here are 2 links to  discussions on the internet on the subject:


There are other discussions - you can google "dogs licking air"


I would be concerned about it being some type of seizure.  Can you get his attention while he is doing this or can you distract him?


Talk to your vet!




Could he possible have a hair on his tongue? Just trying to think out of the box.
he has no signs of any type of allergies & I have researched bloat before due to how serious it was I wanted to be sure I knew what the warning signs are, none of that fits either.  He acts completely normal & doesn't act at all like he is having a seizure of any kind.  My grandma's poodle had epilepsy, so I am familiar with what a dog is like during those as well.  I will call my vet tomorrow.  Just can't put my finger on it.  He acts completely like himself when he is doing it.
What did the vet say?
Maybe he's grooming a doodle angel ;)

One of my dogs, (Sadie, the Non-Doodle), has always done this.  We call it OCLD (Obsessive Compulsive Licking Disorder). She also licks everything else.  Especially us.  When we are petting her, her tongue never stops licking.  She also licks inanimate objects as well.  This even occasionally includes walls and doors.  8*/.  It never seems to bother her at all.  It really only bothers us because we find it weird, and sometimes a little annoying.  She tries to stop herself when we tell her "stop licking", but a minute after she stops, shes right back at it.  But, she is 11 years old now.  We are used to it.  However, when we have company, we sometimes have to put her in another room because some people don't like being compulsively licked by a dog.   Even as wonderful a dog as Sadie...   8*)  Good Luck!  Hopefully your dog is not going to be a lifetime licker...

Some years ago I had a dog that licked the air too.  It was during a time when he was also having tiny mini seizures and once we treated him for the seizures he also stopped the air licking. But I see from the links others have provided that there are other causes as well. I hope it is something more minor than a seizure issue. :(

If we are eating (especially snacking on the couch), Maddie will lick the air around the food item. It's almost like she can taste the food just from the air she is licking. Once we tell her to go lay down she'll stop and lay on her pillow.  I thought maybe all doodles did it.

Yes - Dylan will lick smells in the air. Almost as if he pops his tongue out in the hope that something will land on it!



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