Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I know this is a doodle forum but it is so much more. My very dear friend Jerry Cahill who is an icon in the Cystic Fibrosis world received a call to get a lung transplant. He got the call at 4 30. I just spoke to him, he is still waiting to hear if it is a go or not.
The lungs are coming from out of state. He is in NYC so we are waiting... Please pray for him, send him good vibes and anything else you can.
He means a lot to me.... and like I said he is a roll model and inspiration to so many people. If you want to follow his story. He is on Face Book you can like his Page, Jerry Cahill.
Any and all prayers for him and also for the poor family that lost their loved one and yet so lovingly was willing to donate organs to save others lives.
I have several friends who have had lung transplants and are doing great, I have also lost two of my closest friends to lung transplants that turned septic.
Jerry is in the best possible shape, and he jogged on a regular basis with his oxygen.
Thanks for the prayers for this real live Super Man
Jennifer, I hope your friend gets his lungs and makes a miraculous recovery. I will say a prayer for him and the family that lost a loved one. You are a good friend :)
Sending positive thoughts that the transplant happens and is successful, and wishing Jerry a very long and healthy life.
High hopes and prayers for your friend, Jennifer!
Thanks I am a nervous wreck, I know he has a lot of loved one surrounding him... I wish I could be there... He seriously can kick butt if anyone can.... He is still texting me and emailing... waiting and waiting....
The longer the wait the better it is because it means that they have not found anything outwardly that would be cause for alarm to turn the lungs down.
Jerry has lived a long time for someone with CF, he is 55... the average life span if 40. Jerry has worked extremely hard exercising. Last year he ran a 5 K race...his body is in the best possible shape to recover....
He is at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NYC and they have a pretty good track record for lung transplants.... Hopefully we will know soon if it is a go...
I am teasing him telling him that he needs to text me updates even on life support because after all, I text him when I am on it... I don't think he found it funny... oh well... a girl can try.....
Thanks for letting me post here, I am a hot mess... with worry. I wish it was Yappy Hour I need a drink...
I wish your friend all the best.
Keeping a good thought for your friend. One of my friends had two sons with CF. One passed when he was 21 while waiting on the list and the other is now 26 and doing well. It is a terrible disease.
Prayers are being sent!
You got it, Jennifer! Prayers and positive thoughts are on their way!!
Just got done talking to him, Still waiting, which is not a bad thing because like I said that means nothing is being seen to definitely call it off.
Also, when they harvest organs, they always take the lungs almost last because it still gives oxygen to the other organs, We are up to five and half hours waiting... should know soon
He told me the offer for the lungs came from out of the Country.. I have no idea, I never heard of that... but I assume it must be Canada.. because the lungs only survive a certain amount of time out of the body,
Since this post has nothing to do with doodles I will keep in that theme and beg you if you are not already to please become an Organ donor. I have so many friends who have benefited and are alive because of the kindness of strangers. It is much easier to be one already then to try to have your family make that decision for you...
Even me, with so many sick organs am a donor of my skin and eyes.....and anything else they find usable...
Jennifer, I am sorry I am just seeing this now but God is not bound by time. I am praying now. I know Jerry has been an inspiration to you and to the CF community as a whole. Blessings, dear friend. May God grant him this opportunity. xoxo
Not to worry, I only posted it here because he can use all the prayers he can get.. good thoughts.. lot of love etc.. I would post it anywhere that I thought i could get someone to pray!!!
In the meantime I am entertaining him while he waits.... and waits and waits..... they will have to know soon...
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