Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our 7 month puppy Bailey destroys almost all the stuffed toys. She chews holes in them and then pulls out the stuffing. The non-stuffing toys she chews holes & then takes out the squeaker. I have tried all differnt types & brands. The rope ones she eventually chew's the strings loose. The hard rubber toys she evetually pulls of chucks. I have tried Kong toys as well.

This is our 2nd dog. Bindi hardly ever detroyed toys. We have had the stuffed animals for almost 3 years.

Does any have any ideas?



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Seems pretty typical to me.  My dog (when he was a puppy) loved destroying anything he could get his mouth on.  He chewed up everything.  Now at almost three years, he loves his toys and is always carrying one around with him.  If someone comes to the door, he takes them a toy.  He does not destroy anything.  What I did was just pick up the destroyed toy and put it in the garbage.  It seemed like every day I was depositing something in the garbage.  But he did get over it.

Some outgrow this and some don't.  Sorry.  One of our dogs can destuff a toy and destroy the squeaker in minutes.  He has a great time..... Sadly, this means that our non-toy destroying dogs can't have their stuffies.

Yep, unfortunately I have no help to offer.  I am in the same situation with Bexter.  He can't have toys really.  He can just chew antlers and bully sticks and tennis balls, but even those I have to watch because he tries to chew off the yellow outside.  UGH!

I know you said you tried the Kong toys, but did you try their extreme line? My boyfriend's parents have a huge pitbull who finally met his match with the extreme line.

Bully sticks, the low odor ones to get the chew urge satisfied or at least somewhat.  We had to take all stuffies away and hid all pillows from the couches, etc. at about 5 months.  He also chewed up his crate mat, a throw rug and big dog bed from costco, not to mention my eyeglasses and assorted underwear etc.   He is much better now at 10 months, but I think he would destroy a stuffed animal as he manages to chew tennis balls apart.  He at least stopped stealing pillows off the beds and couch (unless he thinks he can get away with it) but still has a sock and underwear fetish.  We still give him rope toys but keep an eye on there condition. He has also chewed through numerous leashes-some while we were walking him.  He has not destroyed the different size Kongs we use for treats while he is crated.

BTW- your chocolate is the image of my guy! Both of yours are adorable.  Is the chocolate an ALD? my guy is 48 lbs.  

Yes, Bindi is an ALD, she is 29lbs. She is my best buddy. Bailey the cream  one is my daughters' dog and she is also. She is gammy's girl.


he'll be this way at least until he hits 1yr.  then they might outgrow.

our guys will kill some toys, not kill others.

we're having good luck with the 'stuffling-less' toys right now.  we also give them lots of rope-knots and various chew toys ( nylabone , + another that is made of sawdust ).  that helps extend the lives of toys.

I look at stuffed toys as asking to be destroyed ;)  I think our border collie maybe didn't chew up stuffed animals...she just liked to hold, squeak and shake them.  But for the rest of my dogs, stuffed toys were made for destuffing and desqueaking :-)  Luckily they don't touch my kids many stuffed toys.  Chewing is the way they play with toys for the most part...unless it's fetch and even then the 'right' toy will be fetched and then run off with in hopes of destroying it.  If it's not easily torn apart or crunched, how can it possibly be fun ? ;-)

I give the stuffed toy as a reward under supervision for short periods of time-take it.  Drop it. Fetch it.  Then it goes away.  Any of the ones that we have done this with have been the ones that he does not chew up if we leave them down. 

They make a stuffed fire hose toy that lasted a while with our big heavy chewers.  The right size kong in black works well too.  But again it has to be the right size.  Its frustrating I know.


Zoe used to scratch holes into her dog beds and pull out the stuffing.  Those were the beds made of shearling or soft cotton.  I used to cover her beds with a towel or sheet so she wouldnt be able to scratch holes into them and also got other beds that were made of a strong fabric that she couldn't get through.  She no longer does this but once in a while she will try and I'd have to tell her NO.  I don't have any suggestions for toys tho because both mine are very good with plush toys.

Meg also destroys soft toys, we play toss and fetch with them and then put them up.  When we catch her chewing one we substitute bones or antlers.  I have one toy that is really tough fabric that she loves to catch but have not caught her chewing anything but the tag off of it.  I also saw once and hate that I passed it and didn't buy it a toy made out of a fire hose that you can put an empty plastic bottle in, lots of noise to play with and fire hose is hard to destroy. I watch for that toy everywhere now.

Look at West Paw dog toys (google it)....they are made from something called Zogoflex and it is so amazingly durable!!

I have 4 different styles for my doodle and she has chewed on them for a year and never gotten a piece off.  She is an aggressive chewer too!  Her 2 favorites are the one called Tux (which I put treats in) and one called Tizzi. 



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