Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Ok, many of you are going to be laughing or shaking your head when you read this.Yes, I am anxious about getting Gumbo and I just looked at my calendar and I have to stay overnight in New Orleans (one hour drive from my house) when Gumbo will be about 3 months old. He will have 2 out of the series of 3 puppy vaccinations. Ok, this makes me VERY nervous to bring him with me but I have no other choice. I found the best puppy friendly hotel in the area. My concern is 1. If he still needs the last shot, how am I going to bring him to use the bathroom? I'm so scared about Parvo..... I'm still confused if they can pick it up from just walking on a sidewalk. When I read about it, it seems like it comes from feces...So does that mean feces that are visible?? Or can it be lingering anywhere like a virus does? Am I safe to even walk him around if I pay extra close attention for dog poop and can ensure he doesn't go anywhere near it? Or is it invisible and can just be on the sidewalk/grass where there was infected poop that was there weeks/months ago? How long does Parvo remain on the grass or concrete once the infected poop is removed? Just wanting to know if I am watching out for poop and we don't see any, does that mean its safe? I'm even wondering if I want to go explore the city, maybe I should put him in a baby stroller and push him around (does that sound crazy or what???). Ok, that's my first concern. My second is that I have to attend a meeting that will last about 3-4 hours. I will have to leave Gumbo in the room for that amount of time. What are the chances he will whine and cry or even start barking and disrupt the other guests? The last thing I would want is to get a call that my dog is disturbing everyone. Is your doodle a barker? Do they cry and bark when you close your door when you leave for the day? If so, how long will they make noise until they give it up.? If anyone can think of any other type of "traveling with puppy" advice, it's more than welcomed!
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Get a carrier that holds him that fits over your shoulders and he face forward-Amazon. I have a 2 day drive to bring my pu home in July. I am taking puppy pads to put on the ground so he is on those not bare ground, to potty. As for leaving him-some hotels have pet sitters or even a baby sitter to watch him-call ahead. Good luck
The parvovirus can live for 5 to 7 months so your pup shouldn't be on the ground in a public place until he's had his full series of shots. Some people use a kitty litter with pee pads or pee pads alone. You're not crazy to use a stroller or carrier, but if you're just picking him up, I wouldn't stress him with too many strange sights and sounds. Chances are good that he'll cry, bark, whine, or even howl when you leave him -- so I'd try Pam's idea if the hotel has pet or baby sitter.
If you want to walk him around you might want to try puppy booties. They make disposable ones that are made of latex. You can practice walking with them on so he doesn't have issues with them when you travel. Our vet says in hot moist climates like here in Florida and NOLA, Parvo can live in the dirt and in surfaces for a year .. So you are right to be concerned about your baby.
Love the idea of a pet sitter or if you have a crate or soft carrier maybe you could take him to your meeting with you...
Are you sure you can't find a sitter to watch him in your own house while you are gone? It would be so much easier on Gumbo and much safer as well!
Well, first of all, never leave your puppy alone in a room that he is not totally accustomed to (or a car). We travel all the time with our doodles and have for over ten years. If we are at a hotel, we have a sitter come to the room and stay with the dogs while we are out. We usually have a relative, but most hotels have a list of sitters who can come to your room and stay with your dog. Take them out, always on leash, and the hotel will tell you the area for pet elimination (believe me it happens all the time). Ask them also where they prefer for you to put the doggie bags (happens all the time also). A backpack is probably preferable to a stroller and a three-month old puppy will be fine in one. Be sure to try it out several times at home before you take his away from home in one. And practice the switching from backpack to leash several times also. It will become routine for you and for him(her?). It is never safe to let them wander around in the grass or on foreign property. Keep them on leash at all times. Teaching him(her?) to pee on command is also a very useful tool.
BTW, getting a local friend who you can trade off with for occasions such as this, is preferable to traveling with a puppy. I take care of several dogs (one at a time) when their families are traveling, and they are more than willing to keep my dogs should the occasion arise. However, I have never boarded them, and usually my husband or I stay home with them, if one of us is traveling. Otherwise, they go with us. It just works better for us. We have had someone stay at the house with them (another alternative) but it is usually a close relative. Too protective? Yes, I guess we qualify for that.
And, you may try a harness, especially if someone else is going to be handling him. They can easily pull out of their collars, but no so easily from a harness. Just another suggestion. It does get easier once you get used to traveling with a pup. Bathroom? Every two hours, all night long. It is like changing diapers.
Ok. Thank you so much for all the info! When I go to the outside pet elimination area, and remove him from the backpack to leash, to let him potty. Well, I'm scared of that. I know the dog has to pee often, so how do I know the area is safe to set him down for just a few minutes (on leash of course). That makes me soo nervous bc of Parvo. Do I lay puppy pads down on the grass and expect him to know not to leave the pad and also to pee on it?
Maybe finding a sitter to come to my house will be better. As much as I think it would be fun to take Gumbo down in Nola and walk around and see the sights and sounds, it sounds like I might be a nervous wreck instead. LOL.
t looks like no one has answered your question about Parvo and how concerned you should be. If your pup has not completed his shots yet, I would surely leave him at home and avoid public places. Yes, he can pick up the virus from walking where dog poop may have been months ago. The Parvo virus stays around a long time! When you say you want to take Gumbo walking around to see the sights it sounds like he will be in very public territory where lots of other dog may have been. I would not take a chance with Gumbo being so young! Hopefully you have time to find someone to stay with him in your home. Good luck and enjoy your trip.
thanks so much. I think it will just be too much on Gumbo. When I said that, I meant by walking around by baby carrier strapped to me or stroller, I certainly wouldn't actually walk him. But even so, I'd have to set him down every so often to use the potty, and what am I gonna do? Bring puppy pads and hope he stays on them? The more I think about it, the more stress it seems like it will be on the both of us. Hopefully I can find someone to dog sit at my house. There will be plenty of other fun trips to take Gumbo on to get him socialized. Thanks again!
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