Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I still find it hard to post about losing Boomer.  These are the posts my wife and daughter posted on Facebook.

A little history:

Boomer was healthy up until about 3 years ago.  Boomer had occular cancer and had to have one eye removed.  He recovered and made the adjustment quickly and was back to himself.  He was getting the "cancer vaccine" to prevent recurrence.  This bought of cancer was in his spleen and digestive track.  We are told that he wasn't in pain.  

He was the biological brother of Mariner.

From Sharon:

Yesterday, was so hard. We said goodbye to Boomer. He was our first family dog. Over the years Boomer & Sami got very close. When she came home, Boomer was hers! Ice cream was always on the list! Boomer Loved everyone. He was so gentle & had a big smile. I never saw a dog smile that way! When Boomer was 2, it was Halloween & a little girl came to the door & said Daddy look they have a pony! The stories can go on forever! A year to the day that we put Mariner down. I brought Boomer to the vet saying something not right but I had a bad feeling. Wishing I was wrong but I wasn’t. We hoped it was early stages but, the cancer was aggressive. Boomer you hold a very special place in my heart! We miss & LOVE you very much! Rest In Peace.

From Sami:

Heartbroken to say goodbye to my best friend after 13 years. I’m going to miss coming home to your contagious smile, going for walks around the lake, rides in the car, tanning, ice cream dates, and snuggles with you. I’ve been so lucky to have you by side since the day we brought you home and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that. You will always, always, always be my favorite and number 1 man. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect dog. I love you forever Boomer xo

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My heart breaks for you and your family, Andy. Please know that many of us share your grief and also your memories of sweet Boomer. May he rest in peace, and may his memory be for a blessing. 

My thoughts are with you guys at this sad time, love and hugs to you all. 

I am so sorry for your loss! 

I'm so sorry for you and your family, Andy. You got Boomer at around the same time that we got Wally. I feel as though I have watched Boomer grow up to be your daughter's "Number 1 Man." I hope your memories of him will provide you with comfort.

My heart breaks for all of you. Boomer was one of the special and famous doodles on doodlekisses. You and Sami ‘s tributes to him are so special. Boomer was so loved.  



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