Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OMG, I 'm freaking out. I tried to cut a mat from under Casey's chin and when she moved I cut her skin. It's pretty bad. I ran over to the vet right away and I have to bring her back in the morning for stitches. Ugh, I'm soooooo mad at myself and feel so bad for Casey!

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I happens, don't beat yourself up over it.

When I have a mat I try to work it from the skin out. I have a small pair of scizzors that could be used to cut a newborns nails. They have a rounded tip. I get the tip in between the skin and cut up the middle of the mat. Or I cut the mat in half and try to brush out the rest. Hope that helps in the future.


Thanks, I'll try that. That is if I ever do try it again!


Accidents happen. I'm sorry to hear that Casey was cut but she will be fine. I try to always keep my fingers on the non cutting hand between doodle skin and scissors, it helps.
We use a demat razor,  it is safe and the mats come right out. We bought it at our groomer.......
This sounds interesting. Do you have any more info?

Sorry to hear Casey got cut.  It was an accident so don't be to hard on yourself.  Casey still loves you and she will heal quickly.

I own that same Tshirt! I was trimming the hair inside the ear flap, she moved and I snipped her ear. Guilty?? The other 2 doodles kept coming over to sniff her ear to make me feel ever worse.


I feel for you - she will be fine and so will you. I am sure Casey will get lots of treats and new toys to help alleviate your guilt! Charli sure did. WOL!!

DH was trimming our previous doods fur and cut the connection between the body and his back leg (you know like between your thumb and forefinger that area). Poor Zach actually tried to nip him, DH yelled and then I mediated and found the cut. DH felt like a heal....we never groomed on our own again.


I am sorry this happened to Casey, but I am sure the vet will fix her all up tomorrow. Good luck!!

I did the same thing to Jack when he was a puppy, I was trying to cut a spur out of his fur and I cut his skin. I cried so hard. He got glued up and some antibiotics and we were good to go, Don't be hard on yourself, these things happen..


Sending love


Jennifer and Jack

Awwh - don't beat yourself up; accidents happen. 


Once we were trimming up Kirby's ears and my husband cut part of his ear.  I still squirm thinking about it.  We dipped his ear in flour (yes it actually worked) and it healed itself but he felt SO bad!!


Hope all goes well tomorrow for the stitches

I cut Porter's ear area a year ago when trying to get a mat.  I was sure I had only pinched hair, but this skin is thin and pulls far out back there.  He squealed and ran, and because of his dark coloring, I did not even know to "apologize"  for day or so until I found the blob of scab. 

Someone told me that if I ever try again (not happening, he is so scissor shy) that I could use the point of the scissor to gently stab into the mat before cutting.  That poke would supposedly let me  know if I have hair or skin.



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