Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Someone asked for an update and asked if I had been too busy!  LOL, must say the 4 have been a bit of a challenge, but we are doing well.  It's raining today, so I will have 16 muddy paws.  But at least it's not more snow!!!!

I'm mostly posting updates on the DRC facebook group. I am hoping to find them homes soon, they need to settle in and get some consistency in their lives. 

Katniss and Peeta have been with my since a week ago yesterday.  They spent the first few days recovering from their neuter/spay procedures.   We had a bout of diarrhea from both likely from the stress of all the changes.  Luckily, they had been groomed, or it would have been quite a mess with their original matted, long coats.

They have begun to loosen up a bit and show their personalities.  Both are housebroken and walk well on leash, which is a blessing. Both are sweet and I enjoy having them overall.  I had a behaviorist/trainer who works with shelter dogs and rescues evaluate them both for best placement plans, to be safe since they are strays and we know no history.  She does not believe they are "bonded" and says they would be best placed separately.  I do agree that their energy levels and needs are really different. It is hard to give them both what they need along with my 2, who are also at different life stages.

Peeta:  25 lb, wooly coat, adult, approximately 1-3 years of age. Smaller doodle/poodle mix

Peeta is energetic, loves to play, gets on well with both my other dogs.  He knows NO commands.  He is recognizing his new name and comes easily when called. He is not a big chewer, takes treats gently. I am working with him on crate training.  He gets all his meals in the crate.  He sleeps in the crate and did sleep all night the last 2 nights very nicely.  I have been sleeping on the couch down by them so they won't be lonely, so he could see me. I am slowing moving his crate away from Katniss and have him turned so he cannot see her, and now turning a bit way from me as well.  This has been just fine, and he is actually doing better this way.
Peeta is really agile and loves to play. He could enjoy agility and would probably love doggie daycare.  He fetches happily and walks on a leash nicely.  He needs formal training.
He needs a house with no young children. Over age 12 is ok.  Needs a yard with tall fence, or a owner willing to keep him leashed and teach to respect gates/fences.
Katniss is a black 42lb poodle mix/doodle. Wooly coat, does not appear to shed. 2-3 years old?
Katniss shows more trouble with trust and is uncertain around people.  She has improved greatly even in one week, so I hope she can do well in the future.  She clearly wants to be around us.  She seeks us out for pets and ear rubs.  Last night she did come crawl up on the couch next to me and roll over for a belly rub!   I think she is coming along. I am sure she was ill-treated in the past.
She knows sit and waits before going in the house. She walks very nicely on leash, she is fully crate-trained and housebroken and does not seem to need many or urgent trips outside.  She rides in the car so nicely!   She takes brushing nicely and was good at the groomers. She would not like to be hugged or forced on anything right now, but she listens well and I have never needed to.
Katniss did well meeting my 13lb terrier mix, but had been seeing her on other side of gates for a week first.  
Katniss is really super sweet.  She needs more stability and some time/space to get comfortable and more confident.
Katniss is more timid/anxious than Peeta.  She will need a more dog savvy home and one without children under 12 years old.  She will need someone to build up her trust.  She is actually very sweet and quiet to have around.  A stable/quiet home with consistency would be best. She is a pleasure on walks.

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She is a dignified beauty! 


Here are Peeta and my 16 week old Hoka having ball!  I am going to make money by renting out Peeta as a puppy-baby-sitter!!!! he is great and fun with Hoka.

Enjoying the sun.

Thanks for the update.  What caring, wonderful work you are doing with these two. I hope they each find their forever homes soon. Love the photo of Hoka and Peeta :)

Thanks for this update, Marie. It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job getting Katniss & Peeta ready for their forever homes! They are both beautiful!

Thanks for the are doing a wonderful job.

Thanks so much for the update and taking the time and trouble to figure out their behavior and needs for the future.  I wish them speedy, loving and forever new homes.

Love the update and pics Marie...I am praying that they will soon find their loving, safe, forever homes real soon...what a blessing you are to these two amazing dogs:)

Thanks for such a good update.  You are doing such a wonderful thing!  Is this your first time fostering? Just curious.

Yes, first foster.  But I have tried finding rescue dogs for my family in the past and had found temperament issues that should have been pretty plain; so I know I would have appreciated more thoughtful testing myself.

Marie, You are doing a wonderful job. Really awesome descriptions of the dogs. 

Thanks so much for the detailed update. I guess it is for the better they do not have to re-homed together...will make life a bit easier for adoption. But it is sort of sad too. Thanks again for all that you are doing! ((Hugs))
How awesome that you are doing all this including temperment Evals. That you for helping to find a good home for these guys.

So glad to hear they are adjusting.  Marie, thank you for everything you are doing for these two beautiful doodles!



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