Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have two goldendoodles.  Bailey is 3 yrs old and Murphy is 2 yrs old. 


Bailey is a female and very loyal.  She is dominate and likes to be in control.


Murphy is a male and the most laid back dog in the world.  He is loveable and just goes with the flow.


THE PROBLEM..........


We take them on daily walks and when they are off leash and running through the fields Bailey will chase Murphy, Murphy usually cowards as Bailey bites at his back legs.  Bailey can get too rough with Murphy and we have to yell at her to settle down.


My husband went to take Bailey by her collar to take her into the other room, Bailey apparently didn't want to go and started barking and showing her teeth at him. 


Bailey is a really great dog and we have not had any problems with her till lately.  She seems to have forgotten that she is not in charge, the humans are. 


Any advise would be appreciated.



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Has she been doing this kind of behavior all along or is this a new phenomena? If it is new, I would get her in to the vet for a blood panel and checkup. There are many things that could cause drastic personality changes. Let us know.
She has always had a dominate personality but lately she has pushed it a bit too far. She does listen, for example:
1. sits and waits for food till we give her the command to eat.
2. sits and stays till we tell her to go.
3. stays at the door till we tell her its ok to go outside.
4. always stays close and listens when we take our walks.

It's just sometimes when she is being moved, that she barks and shows her teeth. I also don't like how rough she plays with Murphy. Murphy has never growled or showed his teeth at us. I know that I shouldn't compare the two.
Jodi, being a dominate personality and showing teeth to your husband are two different things. As far as the dominant over Murphy, she is showing she is Alpha and he is to listen/follow/do as she says.

As far as showing teeth to your husband, she is trying to assert dominance over him. Has she ever done that before? If not, then there may be a problem. Hubby needs to show her who is Alpha. He can take a class with her or if she does this again, he needs to raise himself up (make himself very big) and show his bottom teeth and make sounds that will get her attention, like a low guttural noooo or growl sound. The same for you. If you don't like the way she is behaving towards Murphy, you need to make her realize that it is not acceptable to behave this way.
My Mastiff did this ONCE! He actually drew blood out of my elderly neighbor's hand. REASON: He had a horrible ear ache and the dog was in extreme pain. He happened to be sleeping when he was grabbed by his collar and snapped back when he was startled.

I agree with Lynne, take him to the vet. Check his ears tonight just for the heck of it....
I know exactly what you are talking about. We have nearly always had two dogs. All my "pairs" including my current two Roo and Tigger can get too rough with each other for my liking. It is very likely that if either you or I could stand it they would settle things to their liking and it would be over. But this is my house, so my rules, afterall. When Bailey and Murphy get over the top for your comfort level it is important to remember that you are giving both of them a time out. Do NOT grab collars or dogs but instead grab and magazine or newspaper and whap against a table top or similar. Once and loud! Then in a loud deep voice say "enough". I call this my emergency voice. Since your dogs seem well trained - stand facing Bailey, but not touching her, bodily back up Bailey first by moving slowly toward her and then put her in a down stay. Then back upMurphy and put Murphy in a down stay. They must, must, must stay until you release them. At least ten minutes. Then release them with just an okay. No sympathy, baby talk etc. It usually only takes one or two times and they will begin to monitor themselves. My doodles now break it up on their own and go for a drink of water and wander apart for awile.

Remember that pulling on anyone, including a dog, elicits an immediate pull back. It is an automatic muscle response.

Remember that both dogs are equally treated, since you are the alpha and they are distubing you. No favorites or sympathy.

I am sure this will help. I have never had it fail.
Thanks for this advise. I will use it. We always get compliments from people telling us that they are the best behaved dogs they have ever seen. My husband and I spend a lot of time with them and loved them dearly. We usually go hiking on the trails of Beltzville Dam Park (a state park that is practically in our back yard) every day for a hour. We have spent a lot of time training them. It just seems at times Bailey gets thick headed and doesn't want to be told what to do. Almost like a teenager that knows the rules but pushes you to see if they can get away with it.
This is good advice. I am going to tyr this the next time Baxter & Sherlock gang up on Harlow.
Lilo tried to dominate my husband too for the longest time and hubby did not know how to deal with it in a constructive manner until he decided to follow Cesar Millan's advice to be "calm & assertive." Before, he got upset and would grab her and yell at her. Did not work. In fact, she just got more defiant. Just like a little kid!!! I suggest your husband practices calm and non-agressive ways of dealing with Ms Bailey and letting her know by his calm demeanor and consistent, but non-aggressive behavior that he is in charge. Grabbing Bailey by the collar and dragging her to another room is an aggressive move. My husband had many teeth marks on his arms when he approached Lilo that way. I do not recommend it - power struggles are no good. Instead, your husband could play more with Bailey and have some fun with her. After they are done playing, he could rub her belly and give her a treat. She will quickly figure out that he means no harm and that she gets rewarded for fun and good behavior. The day you see her roll on her back to get her belly scratched by your husband you will know that she has accepted the #3 position in the house :) Good luck!



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