Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We truly do a disservice to this doodle breed when we say we have the perfect dogs and this is the perfect breed. I know this topic is discussed a lot but we truly need to think before we tell an inexperienced dog owner about our dogs. We need to start off with all their bad qualities, how much research we did, how training is for life and so on. Instead a lot of people say we have the perfect dog. That may be true, you may have a dog that suits your family well but do not use the word perfect! This is why so many dogs are dumped and what has kept all those involves with DRC so busy!

Just think about this the next time someone asks about that puppy that suits your family so well!

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BTW that goes for any breed!

I have posted this blog I wrote twice about this problem. No dog is perfect and Doodles are no exception.

Oops I must have missed those! I will delete it!

Brittney, Don't delete your discussion. It is worthwhile to continue to repost as often as possible :) I was just are preaching to the choir with me :) My blog was written about my "perfect" doodles...not the same as this article.

Okay! Yes, a very important topic!

And stop saying "doodles are different than other dogs" and "doodles are not like other dogs". That makes people who don;t even like dogs all that much think "well, this might not be so bad." 

I laugh every time I see someone ask "Is this a doodle thing?". In almost every case, it's a dog thing. Not a doodle thing. 

They're dogs, people. Just dogs. And as mixed breed dogs, there is great variation from one to another. 

Potential puppy buyers need to do research on dogs, not doodles. And the parent breeds. Learn about poodles, learn about retrievers. Learn about cockers if you are considering an ALD.  And realize that the idea that a doodle will always inherit its intelligence and coat from the poodle side and its personality and temperament from the retriever side is absolutely ridiculous and not the way genetics work. 

Most of all, do not get a puppy for children. If you wouldn't be getting a dog if you didn't have kids, don't get a dog. After food, water, air and shelter, what every dog needs most is simply a committed adult owner upon whom he can depend.

Amen!!  This is why I make sure Fudge and Vern behave so badly on discourages others from getting a Doodle :) I try to do my part as a Doodle owner :)

Doodles everywhere salute you, Laurie! 

LOL...I can't take all the credit...I have to share this Fudge and Vern :)

Ha...that's funny!




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