Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have this recurring dream where my fenced backyard is strangely fenced and whole sections of fencing is sometimes missing or it divides oddly with the neighbors yard so that there are multiple ways for dogs to escape, I can't quite describe it.  I'm often chasing dogs down the street or trying to control their exit into the yard for optimum safety.

Last night, however, I dreamed that all three of my dogs (I don't remember who/what the 3rd dog was, just that there were three) figured out how to climb onto the roof and then get come down on the opposite end of the house (front yard where there is no fence).  I discovered this because I was leaving for work while Clark was home with the kids and they just followed me into the driveway by using their new roof scaling skills. I was sooo annoyed!  How was I supposed to ever contain them now?  I thought about coming on here to vent and ask for suggestions and then realized it was a dream.  PHEW.

What weird doodle dreams do you have?

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Love this one Carol!

The only dream I ever had of my doodle was of my Zak, after she died.  I lost my Dad in January and Zak in August of the same year.  A while after Zak died, I dreamt that my Dad was sitting in a chair and Zak came over and nuzzled his hand.  My Dad (who was gruff on the outside but a softie at heart) looked at her and said "What the hell are you doing here??" and then said "C'mon on" and that was the end of the dream BUT I now know that my two bestest loved ones are "together"!!!

That was a beautiful dream. :-)

That's so sweet...

Wendy, what a wonderful dream!

So far I never have had an Finnley dreams. I suppose that is good, as I have been know to sleepwalk. That usually means I'm stressed out. So no Finnley dreams at this time is a good thing !

Fences and gates are enough to manage without having to worry about the roof too!!!! LOL!

Recently after reading a post on DK about why one shouldn't attempt a water rescue of their dog I had a dream about Tara.  Tara, myself, DH and some friends were at a beach house. The house sat about 100 feet from the water with a nice beach between us but every time I looked out the big window overlooking the ocean the water came closer and closer to the house, The house was about 30 feet above the beach but the last time I looked out the water was lapping the porch. I screamed "We have to get out of here NOW!"  As I yelled a huge wave came crashing through the window and DH & I ran out the back barely staying ahead of it. All I could think about was Tara but there was no way I could get to her. DH said "Don't worry, she knows how to swim" to which I replied :"Not in a TSUNAMI!" and I woke up TG. Tara was laying next to me and I was SO happy and relieved to see her.

OMD, Ricki! 

LOL, I KNOW Karen. I'm  sure F could have a field day with that one!

F is opting out of this discussion : )

A wise choice.

I've been having a lot of either zombie apocalypse dreams or dreams where I am rescuing children from something (or a combination of both).  If Luna is in them she is just keeping me company ;)



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