We went to the vet again with Huff on Wednesday for his ears (It was the tenth day of using the ear drops and it didn't seem like it was completely gone). A different vet was there this time and he said that it might be an allergy! He said that some dogs are even allergic to human skin! Weird isn't it? Another thing he said was that it might be from him not having enough trace elements in his food. We don't feed him dog food so he gets chicken, rice, vegetables, and potatoes. He said that we should give him the innards of the chicken and maybe add some canned dog food. So since then, we have been adding a half a can of dog food in his dinner and adding the innards of the chicken. He also gave us some more ear drops and a special ear cleaner. Oh and guess what? I learned that a chicken doesn't chew it's food, it goes into this sack when they swallow it, so it can be crushed and then they can digest it. Gross, isn't it? haha. We put that sack in his dinner too. Grosss...... the vet also said that if it doesn't get better in a week or so, we should eliminate all treats from his diet to see what he is allergic to. Huff said that if we have to do that, we might as well just euthanize him.....
Hmmmm... maybe we should try it. I have to see what my dad thinks though. Is it really greasy? Yesterday, my sister was trying to clean his ears like the vet said to do everyday and he was crying. I wonder if it is just making it worse? My sister doesn't want to keep cleaning his ears everyday since it hurts him so much. I hope they get better soon.
It hurts because they are so infected. My springer cries when his ears are really bad and you brush his ear hair or rub too hard. Your sister needs to be really gentle when cleaning and use cotton make-up remover pads rather than cotton balls and never use q-tips. Some vets have told us to clean the ears during the time we are putting medicine in and others have said to leave them alone. The last thing I was told which makes good sense is to clean the ears and let them 'dry out' for a couple of hours before putting the medicine in. You also need to make sure that you are getting the medicine far down into the ear. If the vet or vet tech didn't show you, you can ask them to.
Oh, I see. She was using q-tips I think. We do let them dry for a few hours before we put the medicine in. Do you mind explaining why not to use q-tips though? I just wonder why.... Thanks:)
I don't know exactly why the vet says to use cotton make-up remover pads but logically q-tips can't get much and you are poking the dog with them and could damage the ear drum. Cotton balls do not work as well as the make-up remover pads
The "gentian" is not an ear cleaner. It is a bottle of liquid that u have to insert into the ear with a dropper. It is purple...so u should use it outside as it will stain. After I clean our doodles ears with an ear cleaner I stick the dropper(of course while his daddy is holding him and offering a nice piece of cheese) well into the ear canal.(checked with our vet...he said to go as deep as possible) and squirt in 3 or 4 drops into each ear. Of course this is a challenge with a 100 pound dog...but homestly...the next morning his ears are sparkling clean...all pink again...no more brown stuff. The bottle costs 17 dollars and is huge...I havn't even used a quarter of it in 2 years. Ask your dad to check it out....it is a holistic approach to yeasty ears...perhaps you can avoid many expensive vet bills PLUS make your dog Huff a lot more comfortable.
Genitian is also totally safe. It is recommended to breastfeeding mothers to apply to their breasts if they or their baby develops thrush (yeast infection, more common that you'd think). It really does work.