Karen, I sure wished I lived in your neighborhood growing up, cuz where I was raised, if you had a dog, it stayed outside in it's dog house, or tied up to a post, until winter, when it was moved inside to the cellar. It got table scraps and it's sole purpose was to play chase with the kids and be a guard dog for robbers. There was no training, no domesticating, no vet bills......But that was another world and over 50 yrs ago. So yes, it is a very antiquated ideal, however, one that some of our parents were raised with and find it hard to change as they get older.
My parents "tolerate" Murphy for very short periods, but they are super viligiant and uncomfortable when he is there, even if he is just sniffing or laying on the floor.
Why would I make them uncomfortable in thier own home? Talk to them? Sure I have. Show them that he doesn't shed? Yup. Wipe his paws before coming in? You bet ya. They only say "Dogs belong outside". They don't even know why they don't like it. They agree he is cute, well behaved, doesn't smell, has good manners, quiet, but all this doesn't change thier reality of dogs not belonging inside. They are 75 and 81. Am I gonna change them now?
And I won't even go into my issues with my inlaws. They are in thier late 80's. same thing. Wish it were different, but it's not and I just make arrangements accordingly.
Oh my goodness, Sue. You just explained my Dad exactly! The dogs I grew up with were for hunting and therefore had a job. Any dog that did not hunt was frivolous and an extra mouth to feed. When I brought my dog in his house he did not like it at all!
Oliver and Ellie are getting personalized bandanas with each of their names embroidered on the front. The letters of the names are 1 inch high on the large size. They each received a red with black paw prints one for their summer birthdays. The doodles received so many compliments on the bandanas, I just had to order more for the holidays. The large size bandana is $12.95. Shipping and handling is $1.50 for the first bandana and $.50 for each additional one. Great quality!
website---- www.k9design.com
They are also each getting an embroidered red pullover shirt with bright green piping. It says- "Santa's Little Yelper" on the back. I finally found a shirt that was long enough. (24 inches from neck to tail) They came in the mail today. Cute, bright, and fits great! I thought the residents at the nursing home would like to see Oliver in a holiday shirt.
shirt $13.99 shipping $3.99 website---- www.dogsupplies.com
And of course, three different varieties of Charlie Bear treats and maybe a few other things after reading other people's gift ideas!! Who knows!!!!!!
For bandanas you might try Michaels or any of the craft stores. They sell the plain bandanas very cheap and have a lot of iron on transfers. I did a black one with a crystal skull and crossbones for my Jack. Just a little bling for when he goes out with his friends.
Hobby Lobby has a great selection of bandanas. The designs are cute and are reasonably priced. I have never put any iron transfers on the bandanas but thanks for the idea. We visit a nursing home and the residents look forward to seeing what bandana Oliver is wearing.
I had found so really original and personalized handmade dog tags on www.etsy,com and just love the ones I got. I think I will go back to that site and look at collars. Murphy is starting to grow again, so his old one is getting a little short. Check it out.
Sheba is going to get birthday presents on Christmas day (along with Christmas presents) as she will be 1 year old on Christmas day! Duke and Sheba will get stuffed animals and a lot of treats that take a loooong time to chew up. Each item will be individually wrapped as they LOVE to tear open their gifts!
I am getting Lucy a Tug a Jug. Have you seen these????? Someone posted on DK about them about a month ago, don't remember who that was, sorry, but they are really neat. Google it and look at them
Make sure you don't get one with a rope handle. I did and that was bitten through in about 2 minutes. now calla is working her way through the ball like top. It makes a good chew toy since she doesn't swallow the pieces : ) I think even the one with the plastic piece instead of rope to pull wouldn't have lasted long here.
Really?????? I thought it would last, Well, I am going to try it anyway. I think she would like it. I am also getting my grandaughter's Chi a small one too.