Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I saw a show on TLC a few weeks about about "creative groomers".

There is actually an association for them called The National Association of Professional Creative Groomers.  I saw a photo floating around Facebook today and after looking at some of the photos and reading a lot of the comments I wonder how others feel about this?  I am personally wondering how much these dogs are really enjoying it? Could they be?  A lot of these dogs are poodles and the TLC show focused on poodles - I wonder how long it will be before they start using Doodles since they are the "perfect" dog!!  Can you imagine Joanne's Spud with his corded do as Bob Marley???


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If I were looking for talent I would be much more impressed by a groomers portfolio of wonderfully groomed dogs than any of this. I don't imagine that you can do this with a dog that does not like or at least tolerate grooming, but I think this really objectifies dogs.
I dislike this very much! They are dogs not an art canvas or sculpture. Not fair, there are other ways to show you are artistic!



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