Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When I went to take Pickles in for his last set of boosters my vet and I had a discussion around vaccinations. To my surprise, she believes dogs do not need to be vaccinated as much as they are. She said city ordinances require annual or biannual vaccinations but that dogs actually in her opinion still have a lot of immunities in their system. She said within 20 years we will see cities backing away from repeated immunizations.
Just wondering your thoughts on this. :)

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JD's dermatologist advised me early on not to have him vaccinated every year. She told me to do a three year rabies and titer for the other core vaccines. His regular vet had never even told me there was such a thing as a three year rabies shot. 

That was more than 5 years ago, and the regular vet now offers three year versions of all the core vaccines. He has also become more cautious about over-vaccinating, especially for his patients with overactive immune  systems, like JD. So slowly but surely, it seems even the older, more "traditional" vets are moving toward less frequent vaccinations. 

However, the fear still remains that if a dog doesn't have to get shots every year, many of them will never see the vet. So it's important to mention that a dog still needs an annual check-up, even if no shots are required. 

Yes, our vet still advocates annual check ups and says a lot of folks won't come if there is not required annual shots.

My last vet was cautionary and we did 3 yrs on rabies as soon as it was possible, on Lepto she was leary with small dogs and the Bortadella was strictly my call - basic DHPP suggested annually.  Fast forward and the new vet is on board for anything and everything, I am operating on caution that he does not exactly comprehend.   I feel like my last vet was spot on and when I am ready with these two I have now will run titers where possible.


Dakota's vet strongly believes that dogs are vaccinated too often--older dogs, in particular, that have immunities built up after years of vaccinations. She examines each dog and makes individual recommendations. She believes that Dakota is very healthy and he only should need his vaccines every 3 years. She does want to see him every year for a check-up . . .

My Vet recommends three year rabies which is what is required here.  We also have to do the annual distemper and Kennel Cough (Bordetella) which is required for them to attend Daycare.  I chose to do Lyme and Lepto because of where we live.

Aside from triennial Combined vaccine I do the same.

Unfortunately where I live they want to do yearly vaccinations and with all the reading I've done I don't want to do them yearly, I don't have to worry about it for awhile, but I'm really quite unsure what to do. 

My vet, who is an old guy and very old-school on many things, keeps very current on trends.  He feels that once young dogs have established good immunities from immunizations, they do not need yearly "boosters."

According to my vet, my boy is due for his 1 yr vaccine for Parvo and DA2 as he completed his puppy shots 4/23/13.

He was 1 yr in Jan. Are these shots necessary at this time?

You can ask to have blood titers done instead, to check that he still has immunity. That will cost more than the shots, though.

If you do choose to have the shots, ask for a three-year vaccination rather than a one year version. That will also cost more, but you won't have to do it again for three years, lol. 

Thanks.  I absolutely do not want to give more vaccines than necessary but I was not sure if the 1 year old booster was needed as I read on Karen Becker and Jean Dodd's sites that after initial vaccination for puppies before 16 weeks they should get first booster at 1 year and then after that every 3 (or titers test) I also am not sure if it was the most current info on recommended vaccines though, and maybe has been updated. We are going to a new vet so the trust level has not yet been established and so I appreciate your input here.

Wow, I agree with Drs. Becker and Dodd. That's what I did and would do.



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