Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Here is what I have already learned from Hattie in just four short weeks:..


My house will never ever be the same kind of clean that it once was...


My grass is heading downhill and will not return...


My sheets sometimes have bits of gravel in them now...


I know more about dog food and poop than any of my friends...


I can't leave the house without makeup anymore since everyone wants to pet and talk about Hattie...


Which leads me to me know I am now responsible for educating people on Goldendoodles...

My carpet will need cleaning after potty training is completed...

I will have to highstep over the baby gate separating the laundry room and kitty litter from the kitchen for the rest of my life...


Petsmart and Petco have become my favorite stores instead of Dillards...


I won't ever work as many hours again...


Collars and leashes and dog toys are as exciting to buy as shoes and purses...


Waking up to puppy kisses and hugs beats anything I have found in this world...


My heart is larger and fulfilled like never before...


I am in love...





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:-)    :-)    :-)

I love this, I know exactly what you mean, Pre Jack I had the best looking lawn in the whole neighborhood, I would beg my friends to find a piece of dirt or dust in my house anywhere at anytime....... The carpet lines were perfect, not one spill or accident on my carpet....


Now, I am grateful for carpet stain removers, strong vacuum cleaners and lots and lots of cleaning supplies.


I would not change it for the world. I never feel like my house is totally spotless, but my heart overflows with love and their isn't a spot open in my heart that isn't filled with love

I understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like Like Like! That's exactly it!
You said it perfectly!  It's really funny...I was NEVER a dog person before.  Yuck...they slobbered, shed, smelled like a dog and were always under foot.  I just didn't know a Doodle - that is what did me in!  I was out walking with Rua a little before 8 this morning and the scene is something like this....round a corner and there is a couple walking their dogs so we all stop in the middle of the street (not close enough for the dogs to "meet") and make introductions...we then go our way.  These are obviously people in my sub-division, and all I can tell you is they are "Daisy & Lucy's" mom & dad.  So funny, I didn't even think of introducing myself...just Rua.  I went to training class with Rua at 10 AM yesterday morning...Didn't do my hair, shorts on (and before I would have never worn them out in public) with a t-shirt...heck, dogs don't care if our hair isn't perfect nor if we aren't dressed up. 

So happy for you!!!!  You nailed it.

And you wouldn't go back to your "old life" for anything in the world, right?
Aw, how cute! So true - for me it is times 3.
You said it perfectly Sandy!   I give Banjo a silent thanks everyday when I'm stepping over the baby's just that little bit more of physical activity I didn't have pre-Banjo!   I don't resent any of the inconveniences or messes.....for all the joy he's brought into our's small price!
Absolutely True!!!!
This just brought tears to my eyes because I know EXACTLY how you feel!  I've had Bo for 8 days and can't imagine what life would be without him.  It's funny, I was just telling my granddaughter yesterday that I am actually getting used to my house not being as clean as it was pre-Bo.  Now it's like, 'What the heck.  Who cares?????" I really DO have to run a mop over my wood floors one of these days......:-))
Well don't walk through my house in the dark - you'll get a shin bone stuck to your foot or trip over a ball or bully stick.  I was a neat freak and now my house looks like I run a day care for toddlers!  Too funny.



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