Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Where does the "wispy" hair come from? Can we talk doodle coat type?

Another random genetic question if it can be answered. Where does the wispy or light and fluffy hair that does not shed come from in a doodle? 2 of my doodles have this kind of hair. It's very soft, fluffy hair, like I said, wispy. But it mats so, so bad. Jake doesn't seem to have it. He has a very curly cost, the strands are fine but he has tons of them . His is curly but coarse. Both of my creams seem to have this very fine, angel like tuft stuff. Brisby has it everywhere, Mac has it almost everywhere except his topline across his back which is coarse. This hair I'm talking about is so soft, almost like cotton but wavy or straight. Yet it doesn't shed off like normal dogs so when it does come loose, it's mats big time. I have to brush the cream boys daily to avoid mats and I keep them cut on the shorter side ( about 1 1/2 inches). where does this crazy light and fluffy hair come from that is a mat magnet? It's soft but man the upkeep!

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I can't answer your question but I can definitely empathize. Riley's coat is super soft (especially if I brush her) but mattes so easily. When I do brush her I start seeing wispy blobs of hair floating around me. It's like someone is pulling apart a cotton ball. :-)
Yes. Exactly.

I don't know where it comes from, but Poodles don't have it. Maybe it's a result of combining breeds. 

Karen - do goldens have coarse hair usually?

I have very little personal experience with Goldens, but I wouldn't think so. Poodles have very coarse hair, or at least they should. 

I doubt any one can answer your question but Luca is one of those doodles.
Just odd because I don't think labs have this type of fur. I know nothing of Goldens. Only 1 of mine is part golden. And is it color related? Does anyone have a dark colored doodle like this?

Ragley's coat is like this and she is red. she has little "tufts" that come out and mat like CRAZY if I don't keep up with it.

Riley was medium red at first but has lightened a lot. A variety of blonde, brown, and red. But now that you mention it the fluffs seem to be blonde. Hmmm...

I have the same "fluff" floating around when I brush Bailey.  It does mat like crazy on the long part of her ears and under her arms. Her tail is full of it as is very challenging to keep it brushed out and I could make a pillow from the results of brushing!  Funny thing is..she absolutely does not shed on anything except when she is being brushed.

Stew is the same. Very soft but a lot of hair which fluffs up like a huge cotton ball when I brush him. I brush him a lot just to keep the 'bulk' down. It's almost like I need to get thinnkng shears & use it all over!

Don't know but maybe the combo. Goldens can be soft and have an undercoat that's soft and fuzzy. Finn's soft fleece coat will mat like crazy if it gets too long (and sometimes if it doesn't but just gets wet).  For a combo of two water dogs, he's sure not wash & wear.  Must be the Cocker Spaniel in him.  He doesn't shed but I can get a bag of hair off those spaniel ears when I comb him :)



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