Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Which prepares you for the other better? Dogs for kids? Or kids for dogs?

A fun article and a labradoodle is involved.

I tend to agree with the author because I find dogs exponentially easier than kids -- I thought having had dogs before kids was gonna prepare me a ton!  Ummm...not so much.  The joys and trials of kids is so very different to me.  Similarities are there but far more differences.  Much less sleep, much more worrying, much more creativity required in discipline, cant leave them at home, more laughter even because their antics and verbal abilities change so much in two years, and more!  With dogs, I could follow a training protocol and get consistent results for all pretty easily with help from  my trainer.  They happily lay at my feet or nearby, they don't ask for more then food and head massages.

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You have also had the experience of having to care for a dog with health issues, so you have had more preparation than most dog owners.

Your mom and MIL are right. Just wait. :)

I think your commitment to good care for your dogs says more about you than how dogs prepare you. Although I do have friends who don't have or want dogs and are amazing and devoted parents. I had three dogs before kids and kids STILL rocked my world.... From sleep deprivation to trying to get a thing done while they pull on your pants and beg to be held, to trying to figure out how to get them to stop throwing their food, to terrible two's and frequent meltdowns, to independent preschoolers...they rock my world every day! In good ways too, but always a daily and sometimes hourly challenge.
Our daughters doodle Marley was her first "baby" and she just couldn't imagine loving anything more or him not being the most important living soul in her life, besides DH and family. Then she had her daughter in Dec! Let's just say Marley is wonderful with the baby, but he gets a fraction of the attention he used to get. Although she still loves him, it is entirely different than with your own baby. You will be a great (human) mommy. Already a great doggie mommy.

I am worried my dogs are going to feel neglected :( 

No they won't. So long as you don't plan on locking them out in the yard or in the basement all day like what happened to Winnie, which of course you won't, then they will be fine. I'm sure they will feel included in the new order of things in your family, and just as loved. :) they will love having a new family member to love and to love them back. It's better for everyone!

Babies sleep a lot, and even though you will want to use some of that time for napping yourself, you can always cuddle up with the dogs. Plus you can spend time with them when Daddy is having time with Charlotte.

When my DD was very young, the time between dinner and baby's bedtime was "Daddy time". He'd been at work all day while I was home with her, and he enjoyed having private time with her while I enjoyed getting a break. He even gave her baths, and took her outdoors when the weather was nice.  I'd clean up the kitchen and then relax & spend time with my dog. :)

Sounds perfect Karen - you were spoiled (as was I as you can see from my last remark).

Not Spoiled! A dad should always be contributing his part -that is his job as one of the parents. I'd say lucky that she had a good one, but not over and above what should be normal, so not spoiled!


sorry, the feminist in me is kicking in. lol!

Sherry, I agree in as much as now but WAY BACK THEN (oh wait it's Karen's post not F's) men didn't participate as much as now....but they should have.

OMD Lisa. Just saw this snide remark you thought you'd sneak in here.. True Karen is younger but there may be older DK members than moi. I think I'LL get Laurie's mother to join, she has a few years on me, and she'll give you  what for : )

Ha ha, much like a kid, I wondered how I ever got away with this one and apparently I didn't! LOL

Ya know I luv ya and I only wish I looked as good as your beautiful self in a few short years.

Well, I guess I'll forgive you but remember Big Sister is watching you : )



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