I'm getting occasional reports from various members that they are NOT receiving the Sunday email updates I send out. Please review the following info and if you've already checked and verified all these things and you still aren't getting the email...respond here please!
If you haven't been getting the Sunday updates from doodlekisses in your
normal email inbox, be sure to add the following addresses to your
e-mail address book so that fun news and updates don't end up in your
spam folder:
do-not-repy@doodlekisses.com and mail@doodlekisses.com
Also click on "settings" (toward the top of the right column of any page
here on DK) and then click email on the settings page. From the email
settings page you can adjust what notifications you receive including
the all-important-do-not-miss emails to all members :-)
Also in your response let me know if you know WHERE to look for info on our next photo theme...it's in the same place on the front page every day (with minor exceptions)...where is it?
It seems like it would be our fault if we get it sometimes and sometimes not but, I tend to be pretty careful about looking for it so truly I don't think that I do delete it. Do you send the notice in groups? If so, maybe sometimes a group doesn't actually go out????
Hi Adina... I used to get the Sunday e-mails, but don't anymore... I checked again, my inbox - not there, spam, not there either. I DO get notifications when I click to follow a discussion/blog, etc. But I now just go to the main page and click there. You guys are 3 hours behind us, so sometimes that needs to wait until Monday - LOL. Thanks! Oh - and yes I checked my settings :-)
I am still not getting the e-mails on Sunday and I checked my settings...all looks good...I DO NOT know where on the front page the announcement is...hmmm...
There is a blue link on top of the picture box on the MAIN page... it says "click here for instructions". But they theme has not been changed yet. I think last week it didn't change until Monday, so keep checking back. By the way, I'm still not getting the Sunday announcements either.
I'm also in the "sometimes yes, sometimes no" group. I'm pretty good about checking through my spam folder before deleting, so I'm pretty sure the missing e-mails weren't there.
I stopped getting them, don't know why, just when I figured out how to dot it. Put I check it on the instruction page. This week I see no change...It still says Close Up of faces. Did you not change it?
I was getting them-then all of a sudden-3 weeks ago-they were gone-no longer a fun part of Sunday! I still check to see the front page photo theme but I do miss the other stuff! I checked the settings-nothing has changed! This is a mystery-so, maybe they will mysteriously reappear?