Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Richmond, VA
  • United States
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Jaime's Friends

  • Carolyn Robbin
  • Bethany Kay Given
  • Linda and "Toby"
  • Shane, Jenn, Turk, and Ernie
  • Kim
  • Ann Kendig
  • Jeremy
  • Tilly and Gertie
  • Linda and Hollywood
  • Tam
  • Kelly & Cole
  • Susan
  • Katie Cole
  • Linda Hanson

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Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Penny - a 6 year old certified therapy dog who is great with all people.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Cute, smart and non-shedding
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Take walks, practice tricks and play ball - though ball is Penny's favorite activity by far.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Canine Design
Favorite Doodle Products?
Tennis Ball
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Comment Wall (145 comments)

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At 9:05pm on August 9, 2011, Adina P said…
Yes I am due with a boy in less than one month!  Exciting =)
At 6:17pm on July 29, 2011, Nancie & Gracie Doodle said…
This photographer person is a keeper.  The pictures he takes are amazing.  Something that I strive to accomplish some day!  You should enter one of your photos in the DoodleKisses Calendar contest that is coming up soon!
At 9:35am on July 29, 2011, Nancie & Gracie Doodle said…


h my gosh Jaime...your Penny and your photography are amazing.  I see you are a member of our Photography Group but I haven't seen any postings or discussions from you.  You need to share your "secrets" with us.  I am dying to pick your brain on camera lenses and settings you are are using for various photos.  I must know...the one that is in the slideshow "On the James"...what your settings were, etc.  And also, did you use a flash or special lighting.  It is an amazing photo and you feel like you are standing right there in the photo.  Is this your profession?  Also, is Penny a Goldendoodle or Labradoodle?  What a sweetheart!!! 


At 4:44pm on May 25, 2011, Donna K & Quincy said…
Ooops, I forgot to remove the watermark, sorry.
At 4:43pm on May 25, 2011, Donna K & Quincy said…

Jaime, your pics are great. Have you joined the photography group. I copied one of your photos and played with it a little. Here is the result, it is done using a simple free program called Picasa. I increased the contrast and bumped up the saturation a little. I hope you don't mind, if you do tell me to butt out. :>) It's beautiful photo and a beautiful doodle.

At 11:18am on February 3, 2011, Linda and Hollywood said…
believe it or's actually been 2 years since Hollywood passed her test!!!  LOL  We miss you and Penny. Hope to see y'all soon!
At 4:36pm on December 6, 2010, Linda and "Toby" said…
Hi Jaime! I LOVE your photos of Penny! What a beautiful doodle. :)
At 5:15am on October 14, 2010, Jeremy said…
Thanks for the info on HOPE! I didn't see any local teams listed on their website, but I'm glad that there are some in Caring Canines! I don't mind heading off to disaster sites. I spent about 3-4 weeks in New Orleans after the hurricane, some of them camping out in tents and working during the days. And Kaiya is fine sleeping outdoors. We go backpacking several times a year. Last trip, she ended up sleeping with me in a hammock.

We're having lots of fun on our visits. We visit VCU about once a month (every 2nd Sunday) and try to visit Sheltering Arms Mechanicsville on the Sunday visits. We also visit Retreat monthly. Kim just got registered with TDInc and sometimes does the Thursday visits at Sheltering Arms Mechanicsville. Kaiya is having a blast! We're in a tricks class and I'm slowly teaching her a few new tricks. But we also have agility classes twice a week.

We've had some great visits. Kaiya loves just lying on the bed and cuddling up with patients. So much so, that I have to physically pick her up off the bed when it's time to go. We were in Pallitive Care on Sunday and she let a family pet, snuggle and play with her for about 20 - 30 minutes. And she loved every minute of it!
At 7:42pm on May 30, 2010, Deb, Connor & Simon said…
Simon got a large pupcake that he shared with Connor and Skylar, his cute b-day hat and a stretchy monkey toy with a water bottle inside his body. He & Connor love the toy!!
Connor has been in Caring Canines since late Oct 09. We generally do visits to Morningside, a couple to The Virginian and we added in Providence r2r early spring. After Connor and I were rear ended in April, he has been very stressed about being in the car. It has gotten better, but not back to regular "Hey let's go"Connor. I am going to start him on some melatonin and see if that helps. :-) Then we can get back to our visits, which he and I both enjoy. :-)
At 5:24am on May 29, 2010, Linda and Hollywood said…
Hi jaime!! Wish we could've seen Penny for her bday! Looks like she celebrated it well!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PENNY! We miss you!!


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