Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As I have mentioned, Huff close to never kisses us. He kisses people he meets. There is this peson who supplies dog food to our shop and Huff LOVES her and her son. He kisses them all the time. So that got me wondering. Who is your doodles favorite person?

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There is a list of these abbreviations somewhere, DH is dear husband.
LOL, Donna! Guess I'm not up on the lingo either.. I thought the "D" stood for "designated"... guess my DEAR husband must have pissed me off the day I first read that, and never thought the "D" could stand for "dear"... in fact, I could think of a couple other "D" words that may fit sometimes.... but tonight's a 'good' night! I won't go there! LOL (Thanks for clearly that up)

Too funny!  I have a few "D" words too.

;o) Tina!
Tori's favorite person is ME! (of course - lol).  she greets me first when we all come home from somewhere, she follows me all around the house,  she looks for me first to give her food, water, and a walk (but of course I'm the only fool one that jumps to her every need right away), and she prefers to sit next to ME on the couch (unless someone is eating something - then she's all lovey dovey to them), but no matter what.... I know she loves ME most!  (it's our own little secret!)

I would have to say my two don't really show a preference. They get equally as excited when one or the other comes home, and they go to each of us for attention, not one over the other.  Murphy goes to DH for protection from big bad Q-tip-nail-clippers-comb wielding mamma and especially when he sees the running shoes go on. But otherwise, no real sense of "favorites".

While I am definitely Lola's favorite - she does greet some of my friends/acquaintances with much more enthusiasm. There is one person in particular that she has fallen so hard for. His parents own an apartment in the building next to mine. He would come up and visit with his family and dog and whenever he was in town, Lola would know and walk into the buildings lobby and ask to go in (doorman knows her and the apartment is on the first floor). Also if we are somewhere across the street in the park and she see's him, she starts pulling to go say hi. He gives her the best greeting as well. ola would sometimes even do a submissive pee when she never does. It is to the point, where it is a little strange and fortunately he's not around very often and in fact, they've just sold the apartment. L
Meridith, did you read the book "A Dog's Purpose"? It may explain the strange behavior. It's a great read !  But maybe Lola has known this young man in another life?   Just a thought.

I did read thet book and while I don't really believe in that, the way Lola acts with him, it's like he's her boy!!!

Thanks for sharing that comment - food for thought!

Any human will do for my doodle, but when it comes to dogs, it's her friend Lilu, a flat coated retriever who lives in our apartment building. Hands down, Sophie can sense her a mile away and drag me over to find her.



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