Mater just started to itch like crazy in the last four weeks. He's only been bathed with oatmeal shampoo (at the groomers and shampoo from the vet). Is anyone else having this problem? He doesn't shed, but we are finding tufts of hair all over the house where he has literally chewed or scratched it out. I would hate to put him on prednisone. Is this a doodle trait? Any suggestions for giving him some relief?
I have had this same problem from time to time and haven't been able to pinpoint it nor has the Vet. Cody seems to be prone to hotspots and I thought we were home free when summer ended but don't you know he had one appear overnight on his hind leg. I have a gentamicin spray from the Vet that works very well and puts a quick end to the itching. Do you see any flaking on his skin? If so, add a little bit of olive oil to his food. I've also used Benedryl tablets to ease the itching when it gets too out of hand.
We don't see any flaking and the vet thinks his skin looks great. He gets salmon oil in his food. Benedryl might be a good idea though. I know once the itching starts it causes adrenalyn to come to the skin surface causing more itching - a vicious cycle. Thanks for the suggestion!
The vet seems to think his skin looks great (he was just there 2 weeks ago), so I really don't think that is it. He gets salmon oil in his food regularly and it probably has vitamin E in it - but I'll check that! Thanks!
Where exactly is he itching?
Is it generalized in a specific location or is he just doing random itching all over?
He is chewing or scratching the area?
Also, have you noticed times of the day which he is doing this?
What food are you feeding him?
What treats are you giving him?
Location and the manner which is itching can start to give some clues to the reason.
He is itching all over. There aren't any hotspots or anything like that. And it is pretty much all of the time. One person suggested allergy and it made me realize that we started adding Grizzly Salmon Oil to his food pretty close to when this started. Maybe it is an allergy! We'll stop using that and see if it gets better. His regular diet is a lamb and rice kibble and his treats haven't changed.
Hi Kathy,
Certainly cut out the Salmon Oil and see if that makes a difference.
Also make sure that you are offering him some good opportunities to play and get some running around time. The boy has some energy and he may be just redirecting his need to expel energy. Also, check into getting him a really awesome chew item. Giving him an alternative to chomping on his skin may also do the trick if it isnt allergy related.
His coat is probably about 6 inches long. We dont' have a humidifier, but the vet seemed to think his skin and coat looked great. I did have someone offer an interesting thought - allergy. We won a bottle of Grizzly Salmon Oil at a Halloween party and have been giving it to him since then - ironically that is about when the itching really started. We'll try taking him off that and see if it helps. (We do turn down the thermostat at night, so it usually is never over 68 during the day and 64 overnight.) The house doesn't seem very humid - at least there is no static like we get in January!
Have you washed his bed or anything.. new laundry soap... My kids get itchy from dryer sheets. I have heard some floor cleaners can make dogs itch like pinesol don't know if it is true. It could also just be the change of seasons and dryer air in the house.. Here in Indiana my hands get so dry I have to put lotion on everyday during the winter.
He's still pretty itchy. We've started giving him benedryl 50mg three times a day and it is helping some. It seems like most of the itching is just under his front legs near his "arm pits". We still haven't identified a possible cause, unless it's just Indiana and the dry winter air.
Permalink Reply by Jen on January 26, 2009 at 2:49pm
Sometimes we put hydrocortizone on the spots where Harley is itching. I don't know if we are suppose to... but it seems to help. I find flakey spots on Har though. I know he has really dry skin. :(
We hope Mater starts getting better soon!